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When I got to school this morning, everything looked normal. I mean other than the fact Jisung was getting a book thrown at him because he disturbed a random student, than ya. COMPLETELY normal. 

I opened my locker like a NORNAL person (unlike the girls that are drooling at me while opening theirs up)

I wasn't so shocked to see a letter "probs a love letter. Let's read it. ... I mean they can't personally love me more than myself" I laughed at my own ridiculous joke and opened up the letter

•hope you like it! Made with love and... More love!33•

It was pretty short, but I saw it had what looked like homemade lunch beside it"jackpot!" I was getting sick of cafeteria food and is too lazy to make some, what could I say? Some students looked at me but returned back to their random useless convos after I sent a glare their way. I mean who are they to judge? This whole school is weird so it'd be even WEIRDER if someone wasn't randomly yelling. "Ahhh! I said I was sorry!!! I don't even know you!" " You don't know me but you know to freaking throw a book in my face for no absolute reason? " see? Jisung approves of my point. It's funny seeing him get chased by this puppy- wait seugmin? whatever I looked back at the note and read it one more time. It was short but, it was also....


 Yes, I agree. The letter WAS cute but I was looking forward to the lunch more. It had rice shaped as a panda (should've been a cat) with some curry and some sushi on the side and a lolipop with a note that said •find you someone that could cook like me!• I smiled at the note and glanced at the lunch one more time. Looks good.... Lemme taste it...

I fought against myself and made the most responsible thing I did in my life which was to leave it for lunch. I mean of course, I'm soo smart.... But first let me take the lollipop real quick.


During lunch I decided the best and most reasonable thing to do was brag. "See how much people love me?" I showed off the panda shaped rice with curry to the side and an orange making a heart.

 " Wow! " Hyunjin said "you sure got lucky minho" I laughed "tell me about it!" " let me taste test! " my friend changbin said *ahem* YELLED"no way! This was made with love, for me!"

As I ate, I  wondered who this person could be.. I don't care tho as long as I don't have to eat the disgusting cafeteria lunch. I mean, Food = #1 and that's final.... Don't forget cats tho! They are at the top!!

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