Fun and revenge

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Felix sobbed for a few more seconds and then stopped "are you sure?" Minho then got an idea " eh, kitten. I'm not sure if I'm sure" "what does that even mean?" Felix asked obviously confused " who knows" minho simply shrugged "i might accidentally tell everyone. Even hyunjin. I mean, I have nothing to gain if I do or don't" Felix started to panic once again.

 in his childhood, something similar like this has happened. Felix might look like someone that could easily trust someone but in reality, he's judging you hard to see if your trustworthy.

 "Pls don't. Tell me something to do and I'll do it!" " Oh? " minho smirked. He was just teasing to see what the younger would do, but it ain't no way he's gonna refuse this deal "ok then, be my genie" Felix, once  again, was confused "wdym?" " exactly what it sounds like kitten! You grant me 3 wishes! Isn't that fun? " minho said playfully "very" Felix let out a deep mumble which Minho couldn't help but overhear.

 "Yea, I'm gonna leave. Have lunch with Hyunjin and the others"

 "My secret better not get out" Felix warned "or what?' Felix glared at minho but instead of looking scary, he looked cute. "If your gonna act this Cute when your little secret gets out, the I might as well just tell him rn"

 "Look, minho. You and seugmin are the only people who know this. I trust seugmin but you? Hah, I don't think so"

 "Why? aren't I trustworthy" minho said with the same teasing voice .

 "I-" "I'm leaving! Bye!" And with that, poor Felix was interrupted from finishing his sentence and minho walked away like nothing happened.

 Felix pulled out his phone and went on camera "ugh, my freckles are showing" he groned "wait did minho see them? Is that why he ran away? Ugh!" Felix thought. He was really insecure because of his past and he didn't want anyone to see. Whether be seugmin, chan, minho, anyone! It was too ugly.

 he went to the nearest washroom as quickly as he could  and applied some light make up on his freckles to hide them.

 "Finally!" He smiled looking at himself in the mirror " I look pretty! " he said happy "without freckles" he added all the while his smiled started to fade and he tried his best to replace it with another one.

 "Im felix. I'm happy." He thought and left the bathroom with the brightest smile he could pretend to make.

 after all, not all smiles are true. The same way not all faces  are pretty. And Felix fit the description of both. Or so he thought, but Nobody really told him and ment it so how could he know? He was just a lost boy, searching for his home. What could be do?

 "I should stop thinking."


The boys at the popular table were chatting amongst themself. Well, until Hyunjin interrupted "where's minho guys?" He asked a bit worried. Maybe he was lost somehow? Or he went somewhere else? Or he knows Hyunjin likes him so he didn't want to come? Or- " worried?"' Chan asked making him come out of the circle of thoughts he was in. Usually he would say a simple yes but knowing chan know he's secret, he sent a glare his direction which only earned himself a smile.

 "I'm here" minho said and went to sit with them. "Move changbin" minho said "why?" " just move you idiot" "I- ya know what? Fine?! Be with your boyfriend" changbin mumbled and moved " so where do I sit now huh? " he asked minho "on the floor" "why?" " cause that's where you belong" seugmin answers for minho only earning a glare from him "that was my sentence idiot" "well I said it first." " Y-"

I.N sighs loudly causing everyone to stare at him "what a good day to get ignored huh?" He said. " do y'all hear anything? " changbin said "I dont" Hyunjin replied "poor innie" chan said not meaning it. "Don't innie! I will listen to you!" Jisung exclaimed , his voice being filled with love "I luv u" jisung said " I love you too" I.N said not knowing he ment it.

 "Ahh, to be inlove" changbin sighed, still standing and eating at the same time "Don't you like have a girlfriend?" Changbin turned silent " keep your mouth shut hwang" he warned "oopsie, I forgot. I ment, didn't you have a girlfriend? I almost forgot it was past tens" 

 "You are hanging out too much with minho" chan sighed "what can I say chan?" Hyunjin said, sending chan another glare  " why are you glaring at chan today?  What's the occasion ?" Jisung laughed while his head was on jeongins shoulder. I.N didn't really pay attention to the boys and only played with jisungs hair "Yea tell us about it" chan teases 

 "Ok now, before we get in this juicy story, someone get me a freaking chair!" Changbin said annoyed " minho go get me it. You stole mines just to sit next to hyunjin" "do you want to die today?" I. N asked with a laugh. Changbin sighed and said "chan, move I'll sit" so chan did as that but soon regretted it "Move over jisung, imma sit there. Hyung privileges right?" Chan said smirking at the defeated Jisung " I.N mo-" Jisung began to speak but then stoped "wait, your too cute to be standing. Minho, mo- no wait, I don't wanna die. Seugmin- mo, no your exactly like minho. Hmm I know! jinnie, you move!" Jisung said finally making up his mind 

 " you wish! " Hyunjin said playfully sticking out his tounge

 "Move! It's your turn to stand!"

 " ask I.N or whatever! "

 "No, I'll ask you!"

 " N-"

 "Shut up guys" seugmin interrupted "changbin, stand up for a moment?' "Your trying to trick me  hah aren't you? Too bad! No way in falling for this!"

 Suddenly Hyunjin gasped really, really dramatically" yo! Isn't that your girlfriend? next to yeonjun? I thought y'all were true friends! No way!! " he said putting on a act that caused changbin to stand up and stare in horror only for jisung to steal his chair

 "Thanks bestie" Jisung said

 "No problem bestie" Hyunjin said proudly

 "Oh, what could I do without you?"

 " nothing that's what! "

 "Weren't y'all fighting 2 mins ago?" Seugmin asked

 " they're always like that. Get used to it" jeongin said.

The whole group started to chat once again but this time, changbin went all the way on the other side of the cafeteria to get an extra chair just for the bell to ring as soon as he does so "I will kill whoever rung that bell! I swear to god! UGH!"

 The 6 other boys laughed at him and went away leaving a poor changbin who was plotting revenge behind his back alone.

 "When I land my hands on y'all I swear!" Changbin yelled, not caring about the stares he was getting.

And the moment Felix passed him, he got an idea.

What could changbin be plotting now? Who knows! Not even Lee knows!!

Please vote and comment to give this story support! I love y'all readers so much! ❤

Hopefully the next time I could make a chapter or 2 cause right now, I could hardly fit in time for this.

I always take suggestions so whatever comes to your head, you could always tell me!

I especially love yeongyu, yeonbin, hyunlix, and jeoglix so if it's about them with some sort of story line, I'm pretty sure I'll do it!... Soon...

Bye! Vote, comment and read!

Love y'all 💘






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