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Monday 7am

Karina's P.O.V.

It was early on Monday morning, another week had begun when I received a phone call from Giselle having not seen her all weekend. I'd spend the entire time with Winter, taking care of her and refusing to leave her side while she was unwell. "Jimin, where are you? I can't keep covering meetings."

"Oh so you call me now? You didn't think to tell me that Winter wasn't feeling well." I was vexed to say the least, stood at the window of Winter's bedroom staring out at the pouring rain.

She paused as if contemplating back over the past few days. "What? Yeah, she mentioned it when I saw her the other day but I didn't know I was supposed to tell you-"

"You have time to tell me so much pointless information on a daily basis but the one thing I might actually want to know, you ignore!" I whispered yelled down the phone in annoyance.

She sighed loudly on the other end of the phone. "It's not about business so it didn't seem important to-"

I felt my temper surge. "Well it's important to me! You're on thin ice, very thin ice."

It was then I noticed Winter was stirring awake as she tossed and turned side to side in her bed, pushing away the duvet that had her favourite red blanket at the bottom.

"Jimin-" As Giselle began to explain, I quickly hung up the phone.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I smiled warmly, taking a seat beside Winter on the bed and readjusting the duvet comfortably around her.

"I heard yelling..." She muttered sleepily, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. I silently grew more frustrated at Giselle for making me so annoyed to wake up Winter that morning.

"You did? It must have been next door. Let me get you another pillow." I calmly replied, wandering across the room to get another fluffy pillow and placing it gently beneath her head to rest against the headboard as she sat up in bed.

I was preparing to tell her some exciting news until my phone started ringing again much to my dismay seeing it was Giselle yet again. "Sorry, I really need to answer this call. I'll be 2 minutes!"

Passing Ning Ning in the hallway, I ignored her and made my way to the lounge reluctantly answering the call. "Jimin, don't hang up again."

"I'll be there to lead the meeting as usual at 9am Giselle so stop panicking, my notes are already written." I stated, wandering around leisurely into the kitchen where a framed photo of Winter and Ning Ning was placed on the counter.

"Good, that's all I wanted to know." Giselle replied, sighing in relief.

I trailed my fingertip over Winter's face in the photograph, she was so beautiful. "Did you get the extra tickets for the Busan trip?"

I could hear her typing on her computer in the background. "Yes, they're waiting for you in your office."

I smiled to myself, placing the photograph gently back down. "Perfect."

"A thank you would have been nice you know." Giselle scoffed back in reply.

"Yes it would wouldn't it?" I sarcastically stated back.

Hearing her grumble in reply, I chuckled. "Thank you, Giselle. Now I really need to go, see you soon."

You're welcome, say hi to Winter for me. Bye~" She replied, I could sense the subtle smile on her face like she clearly already knew I'd been spending the whole weekend here taking care of Winter while she was feeling unwell.

After hanging up the phone, I made my way back to Winter's room, I could overhear her conversation with Ning Ning who was now sat beside her. She was checking her temperature that had luckily gotten better over the last few days.

Those Winter Days (A Winrina Jiminjeong Story)Where stories live. Discover now