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Story Note

Here's the prologue for part 2 of the story, hope you enjoy it!


Sunday 12pm (1 year after part 1 of Those Winter Days)

Karina's P.O.V.

I knew this story between Winter and I hadn't reached it's finale, it was just a feeling that seemed to linger.

A crush, a fascination, a dream turned obsession like never before. Captivated and enchanted from the very moment we met, it never seemed to fade. Winter, my favourite work of art. Simply like poetry in motion.

I don't think she ever realised how it felt to be trapped in a love like this, a never-ending but unrequited devotion that gave me purpose, hope and the power to dream again. A desire to runaway from the limelight for just a day and go back to that simpler time of her and I.

Having gone from such eternal happiness to an inevitable, mournful heartbreak, I was consumed by emotions of confusion and loneliness ironically caused my by own sense of unrealistic expectation. Utterly lost, I couldn't find my way back to the path I was supposed to take. Did I even want to take that journey now or was it just the one I was supposed to be on? Did it even matter anymore without Winter?

Surely the feelings for her were supposed to fade at some point? After our break up, isn't the desire supposed to end? Yet with the emergence of each new day, that concept of fading love became impossible to comprehend.

Time had been cruel. It had given me everything I ever dreamed of for years and then took it swiftly away within seconds. My universe had fallen apart, my heart torn in 2 all over again like I was losing my mind in a way I never could have dared to imagine.

The stillness of those dreams, those memories of Winter and I however forever remained unaltered and it was within those dreams I found myself living deliriously within.

It's how I knew this story wasn't over. Maybe because I knew that there couldn't really ever be an end between Winter and I. I realised long ago that I would never get over her, perhaps I never really wanted to.

And though our journey hadn't always been perfect and it certainly hadn't been easy, there was still no one else I could envision spending the rest of my life with. How I wished each day that she might feel the same too, that she might change her mind and want us to rebuild our life of togetherness. To fall into an eclipse of forever.

And why do I still reminisce now? Well I suppose it's simply because moments with Winter were like a constant sea of deja vu, especially today on our special anniversary.

It seemed like just yesterday that things were so wonderful on that beautiful winter's day when I first saw her strolling through the park on that snowy, wondrous morning. How quickly our lives became blissfully intertwined.

And yet like good things often do, it began to fade and I never saw it coming. I wandered through the snowy forest searching for nowhere in particular, staring at the sky for answers to question I didn't understand whilst enjoying the scenery of bright lights that nestled within the icy trees as the snow gently turned to rain.

 I wandered through the snowy forest searching for nowhere in particular, staring at the sky for answers to question I didn't understand whilst enjoying the scenery of bright lights that nestled within the icy trees as the snow gently turned to rain

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