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Friday 3pm (1 week later)

Rina's P.O.V.

It was just another day in the countryside, a day that as usual was filled with conflicting feelings and confusion. It wasn't exactly what I envisioned but that didn't mean being with Winter again wasn't wonderful. It was almost perfect.

That afternoon I'd spent hours in the small dance studio attached to the music room, enjoying the melody as I lost myself in the rhythm. It was comforting somehow, it always had been and lately I felt it was needed more than ever. Both singing and performing to the music were important to me as I glanced at myself in the tall, floor to ceiling mirrors.

 Both singing and performing to the music were important to me as I glanced at myself in the tall, floor to ceiling mirrors

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"Why don't you pursue dancing, Rina?" Winter's voice startled me from the doorway. I wondered just how long she'd been standing there.

In the past week, she'd spent most of her time alone. I'd tried talking to her but it didn't seem to make things better. Still we managed a few short conversations at best. For the past few days, she had remained still focused on her music and most of the time she would play the piano or the guitar, lost in lyrics that she'd written inspired by her own personal journey.

"It isn't what I'm expected to do, it just helps me forget the loneliness for a while." It was fair to say that dancing had helped me over the years when I felt invisible or simply struggled with the pressure from my family to pursue the family business which I knew wasn't the right path for me.

Winter wandered across the dance floor, trailing her fingers on the sound system that was set up in the corner. "You can achieve anything you want, you deserve to be happy."

Even now she was still so caring and thoughtful, wanting what was best for me despite my selfish tendencies. It amazed how someone could be so utterly selfless and kind, maybe it amazed me because sadly I'd never met anyone else who was like that.

"Do you want to go for a walk with me? There's a place nearby I really want to show you." Those words remained in my memory when to my surprise she agreed, nodding her head. Just over an hour later we were almost at the top of a spectacular view near the cottage overlooking the far-reaching scenary of the countryside.

"When you said a walk, I didn't think you literally meant a hike up a mountain!" Winter complained, trailing behind me with a huff as we scrambled to the top of the hill.

I giggled at her flustered reaction, beads of sweat glistening in her forehead with the sun gradually setting behind us. "It's a small incline at best. Now tell me this view isn't worth it."

When we reached the top, the scenary was stunning. I could tell despite being tired that Winter too was in awe as she looked out across the meadows in wonder. To the side, I set up a chequered grey and blue blanket with a picnic basket that I'd prapared for us just over an hour earlier in the hope we could have this day to rekindle a part of us that had long since been forgotten.

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