Part 2 - CHAPTER 4

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Saturday 6pm

Winter's P.O.V.

It was getting late on Saturday evening and practice had finished, allowing for a schedule free weekend to commence. It was certainly welcomed, I was so tired and hadn't been feeling myself for longer than I realised. But I tried to look forward to a night of fun and relaxation at our dorm party tonight that had been organised by Ning Ning and Giselle.

We had been talking about it all morning, making plans after a busy week of rehearsals. We had been practicing choreography for the upcoming concert in Tokyo for much of the day before spending the afternoon rehearsing our solo songs in the studio. It was an incredible feeling been so centered around music, giving me an uplifting sense of pride for how successful the 4 of us had become in such a short space of time.

When rehearsals finished, everyone left to attend to other business whilst I decided to stay longer and continue on the outro to my solo song. Yet when I glanced up on the wall to see the clock in the corner, I realised that hours had passed without me even noticing.

The party was due to start in a few hours but before leaving the SM Entertainment building I decided to get a coffee from the cafeteria. It was the social hub, a place where the crew and fellow idols often spent their time catching up and socialising.

It was relatively quiet for a Friday as I scanned my ID card and smiled at the cashier who handed me my favourite hot chocolate in a blue disposal cup with the company logo printed on it. I took a sip enjoying the warming aroma whilst waiting for my private car to arrive to take me back to the dorm.

Yet as I walked towards the cafeteria exit, it was only then I noticed a familiar figure sat gracefully beside the large, glass window with an expression of such beautiful serenity... Rina.

She looked like she did in my dreams, a place where the 2 of us lately were happiest

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She looked like she did in my dreams, a place where the 2 of us lately were happiest. Forever remaining as the person I wanted to spend my life with, who had made me feel both happiness and heartbreak in way I had never knew was possible.

The last of the sunlight captured her perfectly in that moment. Somehow she looked even more beautiful than ever, ethereal with that same mysterious aura that had me questioning what was running through her mind. All I could think of was how she appeared even more enchanting than the very scene with which she was currently so much in such wonder with.

It seemed she had been concentrating on the view out of the window for quite some time, a habit I noticed she recently seemed to partake in on an almost daily basis. Scrutinising the landscape with curiosity. Her eyes watching the frantic streets below in fascination as the snowflakes fell like they had on the first day we ever met as I quietly took a seat beside her. "You spend a lot of time lately staring out of the window."

She kept her gaze out of the glass but smiled at me in the reflection as she spoke. "I was once told nature can tell us a lot of things about life if we just watch closely enough, maybe it can even give answers to the questions we're trying to find."

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