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Everyday is the same. I wake up in the tiny village of Leadworth, I go to work at a local library, I go home, I shower, cook and eat dinner and then I go to sleep only to wake up again the next day and begin the cycle again. Day after day after day. Monotony will kill me, I am sure of it.

Some days I see my friend Amy Pond, the both of us trying to suffocate the boredom out of this town, and naturally gravitating towards one another through our mutual feelings of being displaced. She is a Scottish woman who grew up in a place where she was different, the odd one out.

I could relate as I was Australian. I remember little of my life there, only the heat that would beat down on me, scorching my tan skin. I remember being happy, and feeling like I had a greater purpose than the one I serve now. But I moved here years ago, and I can't go back. I can never go home.

I was on my way to see her today, we always catch up on Wednesdays. I had just finished my day at the library and had just locked the door behind me. It was a warmish day, or as warm as Leadworth got.

The path to Amy's house was a short one, like everywhere else in this tiny town, it doesn't take long to get there. Her house was always so enviably big, I honestly don't know what she fills all her spare rooms with.

As I approached something felt wrong, off. It was a feeling I got occasionally when I went to her huge house, like a cool breeze that carries secrets through the seasons. Never ceasing.

"Knock Knock, Amy I'm here." I pushed the door slightly to find that it swung open easily. Odd. A woman who lives alone doesn't ever leave her front door unlocked. No matter how dull the village is.


I heard a scuffle upstairs suddenly and with that I took it as a cue to run ahead, fear scratching at my skin for Amy.

"Amy?" I say with urgency, and when I reach the top of the stairs I notice an unconscious man handcuffed to the radiator. Now, to be clear, I have seen some weird things in my life, but I'm fairly sure this takes the cake.

"What the fu-"

"Willow?" Comes the voice of my friend. I turn swiftly to face her, noticing her tucking in her vibrant hair into her Police hat. A costume I knew came from her Kissogram job.

I slowly looked at her and then the man.

"Is this a skit?"

She frantically shook her head and hesitated where she stood, shifting on either foot.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's Wednesday, we always catch up on Wednesdays'" I said slowly.

"Yes! Of course." She nervously remembered.

Silence enveloped the room heavily as we both slowly turned to look at the still sleeping man.

"So are you going to explain or-" I asked the ginger, "Right yes, him, right."

But before she could complete her rambling the man suddenly burst awake. Amy fiddled with her walkie talkie in an effort to maintain a sense of control.

"White male, mid twenties, breaking and entering. Send me some back-up. I've got him restrained. Oi! You, sit still." She says harshly to the man.

"Cricket bat. I'm getting cricket bat." He mutters as I breathe out a laugh.

"You hit him?" I figured as Amy ignored me.

"You were breaking and entering." Justifies Amy.

"Well, that's much better. Brand new me. Whack on the head, just what I needed." The imposter rambles quietly.

THE KEEPER // ELEVENTH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now