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The Doctor and I rush into Jeff's bedroom to see him lounging back with the very thing we needed in his lap.
"Hello. Laptop. Give me."
"No, no, no, no, wait."
"It's fine." The Doctor implores, "Give it here."

"C'mon Jeff, we'll be quick."
"Hang on!"

The Doctor snatches the device from the man before the two of us sit on the end of the bed together, noticing finally what Jeff was browsing. The Doctor and I slowly look to one another before the Doctor raises his hand to shield my eyes quickly.
"Blimey. Get a girlfriend, Jeff."

Before the room could get more tense Mrs Angelo walks in, a confused expression gracing her ageing features.


"Sorry Mrs Angelo."
"What are you doing?"
The Doctor remained focused on the screen while typing furiously, "The sun's gone wibbly, so right now, somewhere out there, there's going to be a big old video conference call. All the experts in the world are panicking at once, and do you know what they need? Me. Ah, and here they all are. All the big boys. NASA, Jodrell Bank, Tokyo Space Centre, Patrick Moore.
"I like Patrick Moore."
"I'll get you his number. But watch him, he's a devil."

"You can't just hack in on a call like that."
"Can't I?" Can he? But before I could question him, six faces appeared on the screen. The Doctor seems to flash them a glimpse of a blank piece of paper before the men start bombarding us with questions.
"Who are you?"
"This is a secure call, what are you doing here?"

"Hello. Yeah, I know you should switch me off, but before you do, watch this." He begins typing even more furiously than what he had been before, "Fermat's Theorem, the proof. And I mean the real one. Never been seen before. Poor old Fermat, got killed in a duel before he could write it down. My fault. I slept in. Oh, and here's an oldie but a goodie. Why electrons have mass. And a personal favourite of mine, faster than light travel with two diagrams and a joke. Look at your screens. Whoever I am, I'm a genius. Look at the sun. You need all the help you can get. Fellas, pay attention."

I looked at the screen to see that what the Doctor had written was entirely correct, he was an utter genius.
"Sir, what are you doing?"
"I'm writing a computer virus. Very clever, super fast, and a tiny bit alive, but don't let on. And why am I writing it on a phone? Never mind, you'll find out. Okay, I'm sending this to all your computers. Get everyone who works for you sending this everywhere. Email, text, Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, radar dish, whatever you've got. Any questions?"

"Who was your lady friend?"

"Oh?" The Doctor turns to look at me briefly, clearly forgetting that I was there, "This is Willow."

"No, not her, the other one." My cheeks flushed as the doctor scolded,
"Patrick, behave."

"What does this virus do?"
"It's a reset command, that's all. It resets counters. It gets in the wifi and resets every counter it can find. Clocks, calendars, anything with a chip will default at zero at exactly the same time. But yeah, I could be lying, why should you trust me? I'll let my best man explain." a long silence pervaded the room awkwardly as I nudged an oblivious Jeff, "Jeff, you're his best man."
"You what?"

I looked urgently toward the Doctor, hoping he realises that he needs to encourage the poor man, He sighs before turning more toward Jeff,
"Listen to me. In ten minutes, you're going to be a legend. In ten minutes, everyone on that screen is going to be offering you any job you want. But first, you have to be magnificent. You have to make them trust you and get them working. This is it, Jeff, right here, right now. This is when you fly. Today's the day you save the world."

"Why me?"

We both shrug, "It's your bedroom."

The two of us go to leave the room, but before we could run down the flight of stares the Doctor beelines it back to Jeff's room,
"Oh, and delete your internet history."

THE KEEPER // ELEVENTH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now