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We rushed into Mrs Angelo's home to find that the big eyeball was on every channel on the television.

"Repeat, Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence or the human residence will be incinerated."

"Hello! Sorry to burst in. We're doing a special on television faults in this area." The Doctor looks to Amy before adding, "Also crimes. Let's have a look."
"I was just about to phone. It's on every channel. Oh, hello, Amy, dear. Are you a policewoman now?" What am I? Invisible?
"Well, sometimes."
"I thought you were a nurse." Questioned the confused woman.
"I can be a nurse."
"Or actually a nun?"
"I dabble." Amy spoke with awkward finality.
"Amy, who is your friend?"

"C'mon Mrs Angelo, you've met me before, I'm Willow remember?" I joked with the woman.

"Not you dear, the handsome one." she brushes off with a sly grin. Well thank you very much then.
"Who's Amy? You were Amelia."
"Yeah? Now I'm Amy."
"Amelia Pond. That was a great name."
"Bit fairy tale." ooh burn.

Mrs Angelo approached the Doctor and looked at him intently, " I know you, don't I? I've seen you somewhere before."
"Not me. Brand new face. First time on." He says while stretching his face wide open, "And what sort of job's a kissogram?" He asks, now facing the girl who remained in her costume.
"I go to parties and I kiss people. With outfits. It's a laugh." she shrugs awkwardly.
"You were a little girl five minutes ago."

"Well that's a bit odd."
Amy huffs, "You're worse than my aunt."
The Doctor turns back to the elderly lady, "I'm the Doctor. I'm worse than everybody's aunt. And that is not how I'm introducing myself." He saves while grasping her hand.

"Repetez. Le Prisonnier... Zero wird der menschliche."

"Was that spanish?"

"Okay, so it's everywhere, in every language. They're broadcasting to the whole world." The Doctor looks out beyond the window.

"What's up there? What are you looking for?"
"Okay. Planet this size, two poles, your basic molten core? They're going to need a forty percent fission blast."

Jeff walks in as the Doctor stands in front of him and evaluates the man while continuing his thinking out loud, "But they'll have to power up first, won't they? So assuming a medium sized starship, that's 20 minutes. What do you think, twenty minutes? Yeah, twenty minutes. We've got twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes to what?"

"The Earth blowing up." I shrug thinking about the Doctor's words carefully.

"Are you the Doctor?"

"He is, isn't he? He's the Doctor! The Raggedy Doctor. All those cartoons you did when you were little. The Raggedy Doctor. It's him."

Did everyone in Leadworth know who this man is, except me?

"Shut up." Amy says swiftly.

"Gran, it's him, isn't it? It's really him!"
Amy glares, "Jeff, shut up. Twenty minutes to what?" She repeats.

'The human residence will be incinerated. Repeat.'

"The human residence. They're not talking about your house, they're talking about the planet. Somewhere up there, there's a spaceship, and it's going to incinerate the planet."

'will be incinerated. Repeat, Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence or the human residence will be incinerated.'

The realisation dawned on everyone's faces as the Doctor spoke subtly, " Twenty minutes to the end of the world."

THE KEEPER // ELEVENTH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now