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I could feel everything within the TARDIS shudder and whirr as if it were breathing. Like actually breathing as if she was a real alive thing. Every groan and creak reinforcing how happy she feels, how when every gadget moves it's like they are flowing limbs and systems that are moving only to comply with the Doctor's wishes.

Both Amy and the Doctor were staring out into the starry abyss, but I wasn't interested in what was out there. How could I? There was an unexplored galaxy just within these walls.

"You coming over to look, Willow?" It took a moment to realise that the two had turned to face me. Amy's face was happier than I had ever seen it as she turned back around in wonder to face the blank sky.

But the Doctor continued to look at me.
"Are you okay? I know this place gets a bit-" he clearly didn't know how to describe the TARDIS so he just motioned with his hands in an awkward flap.

"I'm fine." I laugh, "this place is the greatest thing I have ever seen."
He smiles with a chuffed expression gracing his features. He turns to consider Amy before walking over to me,
"You know, you are the first person to be more interested in the TARDIS than you are with where it can take you." He spoke as if it were a statement but I could hear the underlying question. Why.

I rested my palm on the console and closed my eyes, feeling the buzz of the TARDIS' soul.
"I can feel her."
"Feel who?"

"Well, that's impossible. She's a machine, she's-she's, she's-" he babbles in disbelief, perhaps hoping that I could help him understand her in some way. I could console him and assure that he isn't ever really alone. That he has this alive machine and he doesn't have to feel alone ever again.

But what a power to have, to be able to know something like that. And I found that I couldn't indulge in it. Faith wasn't proof. He deserved more than faith.

"She's beautiful." I decided to finish his floundering words for him.

He just nods and smiles, and I could tell that he knew what was conflicting me, even before I began to ask him.
"Doctor, who am I?" And I could see his smile began to fade, and something far more pathetic replaced his happy expression.

"Doctor! Help!"
Both our heads turned to face the double doors of the TARDIS now bare of Amy who had been standing there, my previous question forgotten. She didn't fall out did she? Into deep space?

We both raced to find her clinging to the door frame, a frightened expression dancing on her face.
Without hesitation,  both the Doctor and I reached up and pulled her into the safety of the Time Machine.

"Are you okay Ames?" I ask, rubbing her arm in comfort.
"Never mind that," said the Doctor, "look down there." He had bent down into a low crouch and pointed down to what looked like a city riding on the back of a huge spaceship. On its side, our country's flag is etched into it.
"Is that-?"
"Yes. That's a country floating in space."

Well well here we go again, next chapter is going to be 'The Beast below'....Kind of 

The author xx

THE KEEPER // ELEVENTH DOCTORWhere stories live. Discover now