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We were crashing through the galaxy at a lightning pace, the TARDIS was drifting uncontrollably. Where could we be going? Is the TARDIS somehow broken? Why is she doing this now?

I was swaying here and there at every lurch, trying desperately to what? I don't know, maybe grab the control centre and try to fly her to a stop. Though I doubt I would know how.

Maybe I was just trying to find something to cling onto, I'm not sure, all I knew was that the Doctor was going to be very very upset, and I was beginning to feel very very sick.

The cloister bell finally rang its last chime as it threw itself to a halt. Did I even want to look outside? I don't think I have the strength.

My eyes drifted to the monitor, which appeared to show an ancient language. I motioned a switch hoping that it would show me what was outside but as I did the door swung open forcefully.

"My my Doctor, and what time do you call this?"

The woman's voice stopped just as my wide eyes found hers.

"Willow?" confusion laced her whispered tone, "Where's the Doctor." A concerned dread seemed to reach her eyes. I felt the need to reconcile her.

"He's fine. I'm sorry, I was just in the TARDIS on my own and she just started," I tried to grapple for a word that would best describe what had just happened to me, "Flying?"

"Why didn't you just put on the brakes?"

"PuT oN THe BrAkEs?" I couldn't help but say incredulously, "Now, why didn't I think of that? Oh I know, maybe because I don't know how to fly this wretched thing."

The TARDIS made a noise as if offended, "Sorry" I muttered toward the console.

The mysterious woman strayed from the entryway and began the trek up towards the systems, "Yes you do Willow, you built it."

"What are you talking about? And who are you? Why do you know me? Better yet, HOW do you know me?"

She seemed to falter slowly, "You don't know me?"

"No? Am I supposed to?"

"I'm Professor River Song."

"I would say pleased to meet you, my name is Willow, but it seems like you already know that." I laugh lightly, "How do you know me?"

"I met you through the Doctor."

"But-" I begin to interject before she explains,"We are in backward timestreams, everytime I meet him I know him more and he-",

"Knows you less." I say quietly for her.


"Sounds lonely." the woman shrugs with a wry smile on her face, she looks tired.

Silence pervaded the TARDIS while we were both awkwardly trying to fill the void our conversation had just created. I now had more questions than answers. Who was I in the future?

"So you know me in the future?"

"I do." River admits.

"Am I happy?" I ask before I can stop myself. Though now it's been said I feel stupid for even having thought of it. I feel happy, I feel like I was happy, so why do I feel like there is a gaping hole swallowing me whole?

"Are you not now?" She asks slowly.

"I am." I say though it didn't sound very convincing, and by the look of her upturned eyebrow, she didn't believe me at all,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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