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Slight shock covered his features but he quickly hid it. "I am not an object. I am not a toy or a possession for you to drag around. I am a living, breathing, human being, and I demand to be treated as such. I will not live another moment in captivity. If you intend for me to be a slave, you might as well kill me now, because I will escape. I will never submit to you." I stated, yes it was extremely bold and insane, but I didn't care. If he killed me, I'd be free. And if he didn't, hopefully it would gain some respect from him.

He was completely still. This time, he let his shock show. What pissed me off was the amusement in his eyes. He threw his head back and started to laugh. He laughed and it was melodious. I could hear it for all of eternity and never get tired of it. It was beautiful.

"You will. I promise you. You must not realize that you are nothing, compared to me. You mean nothing, are of no value. Disposable. If you died, no one would even blink or think twice. You came from nothing and you will always be nothing." My nostrils flared. I was pissed. "As for killing you, I could do so without even touching you. There are also much worse horrors than dying. I would proceed with caution and try your best not to make stupid decisions like the one you just chose." He was extremely serious and so was I. I didn't care. Fuck him. I submitted to Agnes and Francine my whole life and endured their abuse for years. Not to mention Simon. I'd rather be damned than submit to another egotistical, power hungry man.

"If I was nothing, then you wouldn't have just spent 5 million coin on me." More shock and slight rage covered his face. "If you killed me right now, you would've just wasted 5 million coin. That may mean nothing to you because your ego is so inflated and you live in a fantasy world, but I'm willing to bet even you wouldn't want to waste that." I shot back. I didn't care. Fuck him, seriously.

He laughed once more, over and over. Hard, belly laughing and it was incredibly insulting. Our first conversation and he couldn't even take me seriously.

As he settled down, the crinkles around his eyes started to soften. He pulled the chain. Hard. I came crashing into him. He was looking straight down at me and grinned.

"Oh, you stupid woman. 5 million coin is nothing to me. It could be gone from my accounts and I wouldn't even notice." My face paled, not only at the close contact, but at his words. How much money could he possibly have that 5 million coin wouldn't even make a dent. It made my stomach turn. There were so many people starving in his kingdom while he reveled in and hoarded all of the funds. It was disgusting. "As for submitting, you will. I promise you."

He didn't give me an opportunity to respond. His movements were so fast, they blurred.

There was pain in my neck. It seared through my whole body and a blood curdling scream cut through the air. I realized that it was mine.


Raging, angry, unfathomable pain.

My whole body screamed. Flames licked my veins. Heat burned my bones. It was excruciating.

I just wanted to die already.

Maybe this was hell.

If this was hell, fuck. I thought I was a good person. It may be hell, but I have a feeling it's not. The last thing I remember was the King, Augustus, striking my neck. He fucking bit me. He didn't drink, he bit me. He changed me.

That is if I even survive.

This was horrid. I wished I would just die.

My skin felt like fire, my arms heavy like bags of burning sand. The stabbing in my chest, like my heart was fighting death, made it hard to breathe. I was conscious, but I couldn't move anything.

I felt myself being carried and set down, over and over. It had to have been hours, maybe days. This pain made seconds feel like centuries.

My body was resting on a soft surface, I imagined it was a bed. I laid there, wishing I could writhe and kick to try and get this to stop.

I laid on the bed for what felt like months.

Pain in my gums stabbed and I felt fangs descend and retract. Fuck. It felt like a red hot knife was being shoved between my existing teeth.

I wanted to kill myself. If  I could move, I wouldn't hesitate.

This pain was worse than anything Simon put me through, and that is saying something.

An intense burn settled in my throat, it was unbearable. I needed something to stop it, I assumed blood. My body felt so dry. I need to get out. I need to stop this.

My heart slowed, it beat so hard. I counted about five seconds between pumps. They became further and further apart, and eventually stopped.

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