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The coronation and the swearing in went rather slowly, but smoothly. The outfit changes were hell, but at least I never fell on my face or accidentally said something wrong. I did fine. Not great. Just fine.

The second they placed the gorgeous crown atop my head, it felt like the world was placed on my shoulders. The crown was extremely feminine and delicate. A soft gold like August's and was filled with heavy blood-red jewels. It matched him perfectly.

I had just changed into my reception dress, a long golden gown to match my crown. the gown stopped just around my feet, pooling slightly. It was a bright gold with more tiny crystals, but nearly everywhere.

The waist has a diamond belt that came to a V pointing toward my feet. The fabric bunched slightly around the belt, spraying out in long straight ripples. The spiced was tight and had a deep, but appropriate V as well.

Around my shoulders sat a matching golden cape that stopped just at my waist. It left space for my arms as it was shorter in the front. I wore matching heels.

We were making our way to the dining hall for our reception and Augustus walked up to me.

He wore a matching golden suit with diamonds on the seams. His crown sat heavy on his head as well.

His smile was nonstop, it was contagious. He took my hand in his, "Hello wife. My Queen."

I smiled at his adoring words, "Hello, Husband, my King." I felt my lips heat as he pecked a kiss to my blushed cheek.

We walked in sync, hand in hand to the ballroom.

We entered through the same doors as the Factional Unity Ball. The crowd cheered, welcoming us. We made our way down the stairs and through the crowd, many people there had flowers and rice. We were surrounded by smiles and congratulations.

It was quite heartwarming.

Instead of announcing ourselves, we made our way right to the center and started to dance.

Augustus swung me around the ornately decorated room. The reds and golds shined and blended together beautifully. Everyone surrounded us, cheering as we moved.

He was smiling down at me so happily. The musicians played happy tunes and everyone began to join in. We were flying across the dance floor and I had never felt so alive, so carefree. We were bundles of laughter as we danced through several different songs. The guests were right alongside us.

We had several flutes of Augustus' cherry champagne. I was quite tipsy. It was a grand time. My cheeks felt sore from smiling as we greeted everyone who approached.

All of the same guests and more had come to celebrate our union. It was divine.

"I've got to run to the ladies room, Gus." I kissed his cheek and he took my hands, kissing my ring.

"Be back soon, lovely." I couldn't stop smiling.

I made my way through the crowd and out the open doors to the courtyard, it was easier to go this way than taking the huge staircase and risking falling.

I nearly skipped my way down the pebblestone path, twisting and twirling. I made a full spin and stopped, stumbling abruptly.

Roman stood there against the castle wall, cigar in hand. I thought he looked bad from far away. Close up, he looked dead and drained. His lifeless eyes no longer swirled and flowed, they were dull and still.

He took a long puff and blew it out.

"Congratulations to the Queen." He did a dramatic and quite sarcastic bow. He laughed dryly.

He ran his right hand through his hair and I saw it. The palm of his hand was bandaged.

"...What happened to your hand?" My voice was dry and nearly failed me. The lump in my throat grew.

He examined his hand, holding it out in front of him. He chewed his lip and took a swig of alcohol from a cup on the edge of the stone wall.

"Well it seems my mate likes to burn herself."

My heart dropped onto the stones.

"What?" I wasn't sure I even spoke. I tried to swallow but the lump wouldn't go away.

"Oh, you didn't know that we're linked? What happens to one happens to the other. Or did you think mating bonds were just for shits and giggles."

"I...I thought I...didn't accept it..." My hands shook and I hugged myself tightly.

Another dry laugh made its way out of him and he pushed himself off of the wall, standing directly in front of me. "What else is he keeping from you? You don't have to. The very fiber of our souls are connected eternally. You accepting it just makes us happy."

He gulped down the liquor and took another puff.

Tears pricked my eyes and I fought them off.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know..."

"Why the hell are you marrying the guy if you're so miserable?" His eyes bore into mine and he searched for the truth, but he would not find it.

"I love him. I'm not miserable." I looked away from his eyes as the pain there was too much to face.

"You're utterly miserable. You think I don't feel when you puke your guts out or cut and burn yourself? You think I just don't notice when you wake up from nightmares? That they don't harass me as well? Do you know nothing of mating bonds?" His voice was raising and I could feel that he was getting more angry.

"I don't know much...I'm sorry." I refused to meet his eye. I would burst into flames of pain if I did. I loved August with everything in me, and I felt terrible that I was causing him pain. "I'll stop..."

"You can't just stop. What the fuck do you think this is? You even look like you've lost weight. Do you understand how difficult it is for a vampire to lose weight?"

My lip shook as I fought off the urge to sob.

"Fucking look at me and acknowledge my existence for one fucking time," He gripped my chin firmly, bringing my eyes to his. Sparks flew across my skin, a soft tingling that felt incredible. The way his voice broke nearly broke me as well.

"Son." A stern, but gentle voice called from behind him. A beautiful woman who resembled him approached, placing her hand on his arm. He released my jaw.

Her eyes were silver like his, but didn't swirl. Her hair was a shiny silver and her features were angular. She was rather thin, but exceptionally beautiful. I looked into her eyes and she looked at me with pity.

Roman cleared his throat, stepping away from me.

"We're fine, mother. I can handle my own mate." He shook her hand off and she glared at me.

"This is her? Roman. This is her? The woman who just married another man? You told me you couldn't find her!" He clenched his jaw and turned away, leaving us. A trail of black diamond dust left in his wake.

She turned to me, her gaze venomous, "You're killing my son! Think about someone other than yourself for once." She spat the words at me, shaking her head and following after him.

As soon as they were gone, I fell to my knees, sobs wracking my soul.

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