One Hundred-Six

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The eerie silence of the thick wood chilled me to the bone. We saw nothing-no one as we silently made our way through the woods.

Augustus led the group with Nargue behind him. We followed, Sebastian and Azura hand in hand behind me. Marcel watched the back, thick sword in hand. His face was flat and slightly annoyed. I wondered if his wound was bothering him.

We finally came to a break in the wood, a massive empty field in front of us. The huge willow tree sat beautifully in the center. Augustus and Nargue scanned the field, as did I. The King nodded once before beginning the long walk to the tree.

The dead grass nearly crunched under our soft footsteps and before I knew it we were half way and the moon seemed to hang directly over the field.

I felt myself tense, incredibly on guard. I had no idea what we were about to walk into, but I couldn't help but think that it was a bad idea. The tree seemed to sing, calling us closer.

We approached the willow, it had lived longer than any of us. The thickness of the trunk - the tree had to be thousands of years old.

At first, I felt confused, as it was simply a tree. Until it moved, opening at the ground. The bark warped and stretched, revealing a steep path into the earth. A soft light spilled out of the opening, illuminating the path and surrounding areas.

We came to a full stop, I assumed to make a plan, but before we could, a tall man exited the path. He bore no weapons. His sun kissed skin confused me given the constant moon. He must've been from a far away land - I assumed.

He bowed slightly, his long hair falling over his shoulders. His body was nearly naked, his lean chest and arms exposed to the chill air. He wore a small skirt, a striking black and his feet were bare. The man had a thick metal band around his neck and I couldn't help but wonder how he was breathing.

"Una has anticipated your arrival, young creatures. You have traveled a long distance. Please, the witch welcomes you." He bowed his head and gestured for us to descend the candle lit path under the tree.

I tried to calm my panicked heart that thudded at the fact the La Una knew we were coming. I had no idea how she was anticipating our arrival, but I did not sit well with me.

Augustus stepped forward without hesitation, descending into the tight path. Nargue followed after him and I was next. I couldn't help but think someone should be staying behind in case something went wrong, but I stayed silent as Nargue and Augustus clearly were running things without asking for anyone's opinions.

Everyone followed after me and I looked back, nearly panicking as the opening to the path crunched shut. All fresh air cut off. Our exit cut off.

I tried not to panic as no one else found this alarming.

I looked around as we descended, noting the thick winding roots the covered the ceiling and walls. She really lived within the roots of a tree. Dirt covered the large roots and I noticed a few small bugs climbing on them.

The space smelled of smoke as I felt heat, assuming there was some sort of fireplace within the space. I couldn't figure out how as the path was so tight, there couldn't be much more space when we entered Una's true 'home'.

I was very wrong. The path led to a massive room, the ceilings were low, of course, and roots danced and tangled there.

Although, there was a large chandelier hanging in the center of the space. The large room opened up, revealing a large fireplace on the far dirt wall. It roared with heat. There was a long lounging chair by the fire as well as a coffee table and thick wolf hide rug.

The animal's dead preserved head lay staring at nothing. I felt a chill rush down my spine at the sight. A kettle began to whistle on the large fire.

The tall man who brought us in went and stood by the fire, falling into a silent trance and I couldn't help but wonder if he was here against his will.

A woman rushed out of a dirt hall to the left of the fireplace, quickly grabbing the kettle and placing it on the large wooden table. The large table that was set with seven places. I swallowed at the sight, she truly was anticipating our arrival. She turned to us and clapped excitedly, smiling widely.

I was shocked by the old witch's appearance. I was shocked by her youth. The woman before us was tall and lean, not a wrinkle on her perfect face. Her large brown eyes gave the illusion of innocence and her perfect smile should've settled me, but it did the opposite.

Her long black hair nearly reached her knees, the straight dark locs were perfectly in place. Her light brown skin glowed softly in the firelight, that also accentuated her freckles that covered every inch of her skin.

Her long black gown was thin with a deep plunging V that reached her belly button. She wore a belt of metal beads and her skin was pierced in several different places. She looked beautiful and harmless, she looked young and...kind. Which had me on high alert.

"Welcome my friends! I have a meal prepared, please, sit!" She smiled and gestured to the large, fancy table that was covered in food and drinks.

She took the head of the table and we moved cautiously, taking random places. No one took the opposite head of the table which was very much set up for a guest. The sight put me on edge. I had no idea who else she was expecting, but it probably wasn't someone good.  

Augustus smiled softly at the woman, "Una. We have much to discuss, thank you for your hospitality. It has been quite a while. I wanted to introduce my Queen, Davina." He said, gesturing to me from across the table. I froze as the woman examined me closely.

"Ah, yes, I have heard. Welcome to the land of royals, young tribrid. What an odd creature you are. Your power is...enticing." I put on a small smile and nodded, thanking her for her warm welcome.

 She nodded back to me and picked up her small chalice. She raised it high and toasted, "To...possibilities."

We all hesitantly grabbed ours as well and toasted to her words. She threw back her liquid as did the rest of us. I was expecting a wine or liquor, but was met with a bitter flavor. I tried not to react out of respect.

A few moments passed and we set our glasses back on the table in silence. Augustus went to speak but froze. His whole body stuck, eyes looking around in panic.

Before I could react, I was stuck as well, fully aware of my surroundings but with no control of my body. I looked around and so was everyone, aside from Una.

She sighed, "Come strap our friends in, we've got much to talk about." Una said, gesturing for the man who retrieved us.

He moved with a swiftness, tying all of our arms and legs to the chairs we sat in. I tried not to panic, as my body physically would not let me. I tried not to think of how similar the feeling was to when Augustus commanded me.

As soon as the man was finished, he returned to his place by the fire, stoic as ever.

La Una smiled at us and called towards the hall, "My love, our friends are ready for dinner!" She smiled, "She is nearly ready."

I heard soft footsteps padding down the hall and into the room with us. Una smiled and stood, kissing the person I could not see.

The fear in Augustus' eyes had my heart slamming into my chest.

Morana came into view and my whole body resisted the spell Una had on us. She sat at the opposite head of the table, crossing her legs and smiling sickly. I wanted to cry. We had been set up.

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