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(Airi's POV)

I was greeting fans when I saw a very familiar face. "Ena!" I was very happy to see her. I quickly gave her a hug in greeting. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you." she said, her cheeks red. "Aw, is my adorable girlfriend embarrassed?" I teased. It's true that we are dating.

"N-Not so loud, dummy!" she shushed me. "People would go crazy if they found out you had a girlfriend!"

I laughed. "So?"

"So? You're an idol, Airi." she pointed out.


I looked at the clock. "You should probably go, I'll see you tonight." I looked around to make sure no one was looking, then kissed her lips softly. "I love you."

She blushed hard. "I l-love you too." I giggled.

(Ena's POV)

Jeez, how can Airi be such a tease?! She's such a meanie sometimes.

That night, she would be coming over to my house, so I quickly rushed home to clean up.

At 7:00 on the dot, I heard a knock on the door. "Punctual, as usual." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

I opened the door and saw her standing there, looking absolutely gorgeous.

I could tell I was blushing.

"Welcome, Airi." she entered and removed her shoes, laughing. We headed upstairs to my room.

"Do you wanna watch a movie or play a game or something?" I asked, trying to avoid any awkwardness.

"Aw, how cute." she teased. Why did she feel the need to do that to me all the time?! "I had something else in mind, but if that's what you wanna do." she said. My face went extremely red.

She noticed this and smirked. "Oh? Seems like someone has their head in the gutter."

"Sh-Shut the hell up!"

She laughed, an adorable sound. I loved everything about Airi, and her laugh was one of the best things about her.

I joined her on my bed where she had flopped a few minutes earlier. She wrapped her arms around me and started kissing my head.

"H-Hey, Airi!" I got extremely flustered at this. "Can I not show my girlfriend affection?" she pouted. I shook my head. "N-No, you can." I relaxed into her arms and allowed her to shower me in affection as we watched a movie.

Every so often, she would sneak a small kiss onto my lips. She was adorable.

After the movie, I stretched out and yawned. "Tired already?" she laughed. "No, not really. I was just in that position for a long time." I moved my neck around.

She giggled. God I love her so much...

I jumped on top of her and snuggled into her chest. She was surprised, mission success.

"H-Hey!" she shouted.

I rested on top of her lap. "I'm not moving."

She chuckled and started petting my hair. I turned over in her lap to face her. Her beautiful pink eyes stared into my brown ones.

We were silent for a second, until Airi shifted herself to be laying next to me. "Hey there." she said.

I blushed for what must have been the tenth time today. "S-Sup."

She leaned over to me and kissed me very softly, trying to seduce me. She does that all the time, knowing that I'll just want more. And this time was no exception.

"S-Stop that." I tried to resist.

She kissed me slowly and softly again, a smirk on her face. She knew that what she was doing was working. I tried as hard as I could to resist.

"Hm. Being stubborn today, are we?" she giggled.

"Sh-Shut up."

She gave up and cuddled up to me, basically purring. She was a lot like a cat. Which was funny cause she was allergic to them.

I suddenly felt a tickle on my neck. "H-Hey!!" I shouted. I heard her giggle and go back to kissing my neck.

I grumbled and just let her do it. It tickled.

I felt a sharp pain suddenly. She bit me...?!

"You better not leave a mark, damn it..." I mumbled. I could already feel her making a hickey on me. "Fuck you..."

She giggled. "You know I love marking you."

I simply grumbles in response. "You're lucky I have some concealer, otherwise I'd beat you up."

"No you wouldn't. You love me too much."


She kept caressing my neck gently with her lips. I shivered and she chuckled, clearly getting the reaction she wanted out of me.

She stopped kissing my neck and moved to where she was at eye level with me.

I knew what she wanted.

I sighed. "You just can't hold back today, can you?"

"Nope." she giggled.

I kissed her softly, just the way I know she likes it. It worked, because she practically melted against my lips.

I giggled, and she blushed.

I kissed her again, wrapping my arms around her back. She made a small noise at my sudden touch. "Oh~ what was that noise I just heard~?" I teased.

"Shut up, you." she kissed me a bit harder, trying to get her point across clearly. She wanted to make out with me, and it couldn't get any more obvious. I giggled. "Uh-uh~ You're gonna be patient~" This was the perfect time to tease her. She was vulnerable and weak, and most of all, she was mine. Mine for the taking.

I kissed along her jaw, then kissed her neck. She was trying really hard not to make any noises, but she was failing miserably.

I decided it was time to get revenge for her marking me earlier.

"H-Hey!!" she shouted as I bit her neck. "D-Don't leave a mark!"

"Why? You did." I say.

"But I don't have any makeup to cover it!" she was panicking.

"You'll be fine." I started to suck on her neck to create the hickey, and she gave up resisting. "I hate you." she said. "I love you too." I giggled.

Once I finished my work, I let her take over and do what she wanted. She was happy that she could finally kiss me as much as she wanted.

"Ena...?" She said quietly. "Yeah, Airi?" I wrapped my arms around her. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course." I kissed her head gently. It was like we had switched places from where we were earlier in the evening. I giggled at the thought.

I heard a soft snoring noise, and looked down to see a sleeping Airi in my lap. How cute.

I kissed her cheek lightly and covered us both with the blanket, then drifted off into sleep myself.


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