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*4 years before*

(Saki's POV)

"Miss Saki?" The nurse knocked lightly on the door to my hospital room. "Yes?" I responded back, hoping I wouldn't go into a coughing fit.

She opened the door slightly. "Someone has come to visit you." I looked behind her and saw Ichika standing there. "Ichi!" I was so excited to see her, but I spoke a little too loud and went into a coughing fit.

"Sorry, Saki!" Ichika fretted. "It's not your fault, Ichi..."

"Do you need some water?" She was very worried. I nodded and she headed over to the sink with a paper cup and brought me back some water. I drank it quickly and my throat started to feel a little better.

"Thanks, Ichi." I smiled brightly at her. She smiled and sat down in the chair next to me. "I wanted to show you something I think you'll like."

She turned on the tv and flipped around the channels until she found the one she was looking for. I saw a girl with long dark pink hair with little pigtails, and dark pink eyes to match. She was really pretty, and she looked like she was an idol.

"This girl's name is Airi Momoi. One of our friends, you remember Hanasato?" I nodded. "She showed her to me and I thought you'd like to see."

I couldn't take my eyes off of this girl. She looked to be around the same age as me, and she was so charismatic and funny.

"Thanks, Ichi!" I hugged her, and she yelped, startled.

"Of course, Saki." she hugged me back, and her phone went off. Her face fell. "I have to go. But I'll text you, okay?" she touched my shoulder reassuringly, and I faked a smile and nodded.

She left the room and I tried not to cry, instead looking back up at the tv. "Airi Momoi, huh?"

*4 years later*

"Shiho-chan!" I jumped onto my childhood friend, earning a surprised yelp from her. "Get off me!"

I giggled and stepped back onto the ground. "Sorry!"

Suddenly, I noticed that a really pretty girl was standing next to Shiho. She had soft blue hair and the face of a model. "Woah! You're Shizuku Hinomori! I keep forgetting you guys are siblings." I whisper to Shiho.

"You must be Saki-chan! Shii-chan has told me so much about you!" she shook my hand excitedly. "Shii-chan? What a cute nickname!" I gushed. "Don't even think about it!" Shiho snapped. "Awww." I pouted.

"Oi, what's all the noise over here?" That voice. I'd recognize that voice anywhere...

I turned around and saw THE Airi Momoi standing behind me.

My jaw dropped. "A-A-Ah..." I stammered.

"Airi-chan!" Shizuku ran gracefully over to her, latching onto her arm. "This is my adorable little sister and her friend!"

Airi stared at Shiho for a second, then at me. THE AIRI MOMOI IS STARING RIGHT AT ME IS THIS REAL SOMEONE PINCH ME

"I'm Airi Momoi." She held out her hand to Shiho and she shook it, then held her hand out to me. I didn't move. I could barely think.

"Hello?" Airi waved her hand in my face.

I quickly hid behind Shiho. "Hey, Saki!" she seemed surprised. Airi's eyes widened. "Is your friend okay?"

Shiho sighed. "Saki is a huge fan of you."

Airi's eyes widened even more and she smiled, revealing her fang. "Ah, I see."

I peeked out from behind Shiho. "I-I used to watch you when I was in the're...kinda my idol..."

She smiled again. "Nice to meet you, Saki is it?"

I nodded and shook her hand. She waved and walked off with Shizuku, leaving me and Shiho there. I was in absolute shock, and fell to the ground.

"Saki?!" Shiho kneeled down to check on me, and saw that I was smiling wide and my eyes were filled with happy tears. "I...I just met Airi...THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!"

(Airi's POV)

*a few weeks later*

"I've been hanging with that Saki Tenma girl lately." I said to my teammates. "She's an interesting girl. Never gives up."

Minori smiled at me. "Oh yeah! Saki-chan! She's so sweet."

"I agree. She's in my class as well as her childhood friend, Ichika Hoshino-san." Haruka nodded in agreement.

"She idolizes me like crazy. It's kinda cute." I laughed. The bell rang, signaling the end of our lunch period, and I headed back to class.

"Saki Tenma, huh...?" I mumbled.

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