MizuEna-Part 2

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(Ena's POV)

There's no way...how could I be in love with Mizuki?! I could feel my face getting hotter.

"Ena...? You okay?" They seemed to notice my face getting redder and took off their glove, pressing their hand against my forehead.

I could feel myself blush harder. Damn it, I am in love with them...

"I-I'm fine..." I turn away from them, causing their hand to be left in midair. "Are you sure?" they looked concerned.

I nodded reassuringly, still not meeting their gaze. "Isn't it time for your patrol?" Their eyes widened. "Oh, shit!" they ran out of my room. I breathed a sigh of relief, my face finally cooling down.

"Fuck..." I covered my face with my hands. "This can't be happening..."

(Mizuki's POV)

I noticed that Ena was acting really weird, but I didn't have time to worry about it right now. I quickly ran to meet up with Tsukasa and Toya, who were already waiting for me.

"There you are!" Tsukasa seemed annoyed. "Sorry I'm...late..." I panted. "Whatever, let's go." Tsukasa quickly mounted his horse, followed by Toya and myself.

After patrol, I noticed that Toya was pacing around in the courtyard, lost in thought. "Hey, Toya!" he jumped at my voice. "Oh, Akiyama. H-Hello." he seemed quite startled.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you!" I waved my hands frantically, but Toya shook his head. "No, it's okay. I was just lost in thought is all."

"What are you thinking about?" I get a bit closer to him and speak in a teasing manner. "Does it have something to do with the prince?"

His face went red, confirming my suspicions. "Well, yes...I...I'm not sure how we move on from here." he looked quite worried. "He's engaged, but I'm in love with him, and he's in love with me. But...his parents would never allow that."

My smile dropped. "I know what it's like to have forbidden love." I held my arm, looking away. "You love someone?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Yep." I laughed slightly. "Ena. Pretty dumb of me, huh?"

He shook his head frantically. "It's not dumb at all, Akiyama!" he looked at me with a serious expression. My eyes widened as I had never heard Toya speak at this volume before.

"I think we should be able to love who we want!" I smiled softly at him. "Yeah. I agree."

Just then, Toya's eyes widened and he seemed to be staring at something behind me.

I turned around to see Ena standing there, her eyes wide and her face red. "Ena?! H-How long have you been-" before I could finish my sentence, she quickly ran away.

"Guess that answers that..." I slapped my forehead, my face bright pink. Toya touched my shoulder reassuringly as Akito approached behind him.

"What did I miss?" he had a skeptical look on his face. "Akiyama just accidentally confessed to your sister." Toya said, and my face got redder. "Toya!!"

"I already knew, you dumbass. Everyone knew other than Ena." he rolled his eyes and sighed. "You'd better go talk to her before she locks herself in her room for a week."

I quickly ran up to her bedroom and knocked lightly on the door. "Ena...?"

"Go away!!" she yelled instantly. "I don't want to talk to you!!" Her words hit like an arrow to my heart. I knew this would happen.

I heard a gasp from the other side of the door. "Wait that's...that's not what I meant...uh..." she sighed heavily and opened her door.

She peeked out at me from inside. "Is what you said...true...?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah."

She blushed hard and hid behind her door. "Damn it, Mizuki..." she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room. "Wah!" I cried.

I turned to look at her as she leaned against the door and slid down to a sitting position. "This...wasn't the way I wanted you to figure it out..." I sat next to her at a respectable distance.

She mumbled something that I couldn't really make out, and then stood up. "Guess I can't hide it anymore either..."

I stood up too, staring at her. "What do you mean?"

She turned to face me. "I...I'm in love with you, Mizuki."

(Ena's POV)

My eyes were shut tight as I confessed my true feelings for Mizuki. I couldn't see their face, but their silence was very telling.


I opened my eyes and saw that their face was a bright red and their eyes were wide open. "Y-Yes..."

A smile formed on their lips and they ran towards me, picking me up and spinning me around.

I was very surprised. "W-Woah!!" They set me down. "Sorry! I was just so happy..."

Their smile was so adorable, I couldn't help but smile back.

I could feel myself getting closer to them, and they were getting closer to me.

I knew what was coming, and I was ready.

They leaned down a little to reach my face properly and kissed my lips softly.

I leaned into the kiss, making a small happy sound.

Their lips were so soft and their kisses were so gentle, I just wanted more.

They pulled away and I whimpered a bit, sad that they stopped.

They chuckled and rested their head on my shoulder lightly. "M-Mizuki?"

They cried softly. "I'm so happy..."

I pet their head softly. "Me too..." They looked at me again, smiling softly. "So, are we together now...?"

I grimaced. "It's a bit more complicated than that. My parents would not allow this. It's the same this with Akito and Toya."

"Then let's all run away."

My eyes widened at their suggestion. "What?"

"The four of us. We'll run away."

"There's no way we'll get away with that."

"You never know if you don't try." they smirked slightly. "Tell Lil' Bro. We'll sneak out tonight."

I nodded and quickly packed up my things, then ran to Akito's room.

"Akito!" I knocked several times on his door before he opened it, looking very disheveled.

"What do you want?!" he looked extremely annoyed. I saw Toya on the bed behind him, looking quite embarrassed. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." I smirked slightly. "Actually, this makes my job easier. I'm coming in."

I shoved Akito out of the way, earning a loud grumble from him as he shut the door. "So what do you want?"

(Mizuki's POV)

I saw Ena and the others running towards me and smiled. "This is the most insane idea you've ever had, Akiyama." Akito grumbled, but he was smiling.

"Ready?" I offered my hand to Ena and she took it, entwining our fingers together. "Let's go."

Together, the four of us headed off towards the unknown.

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