Chapter 7

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"No, not going there", Aria says, taking away the glass of whiskey from my hands. She reaches for the bottle too, but I'm quicker. I'm much taller than her, so all I have to do is lift my hand up high, and she has to jump to try to reach the bottle. However, a new hand appears and takes the bottle out of my own. I turn around and find Chris, who happens to be as tall as I am. I flip him off as he smirks and fist bumps with Aria, the two suddenly joining sides. Rolling my eyes, I sink on the couch in my room, Aria and Chris going to sit on the bed, followed by Lewis and Fabio who enter through the door. I haven't talked with anybody since the talk I had with Duncan. All I have been doing is sit here and be depressed. And I had no issue with continuing said activity, but my friends had to crash my pity party.

I assume Aria, Chris and Fabio were already told about my situation, but nevertheless, Fabio asks: "How deep in shit are we?"

"Deep deep down", I reply, letting out a hysterical laughter. Aria and Lewis side-eye each other, which I totally saw, and cross my eyebrows at her. She only sighs, feeling sad for me.

"And what is the solution?", Chris continues. "Where there is a problem, there is a solution."

"Your strategists seem to have not got the memo", I tease. Aria and Lewis try hard not to chuckle, while Fabio is so close to call a therapist for him, me or both of us together, and Chris shows me the middle finger.

"Anyway, guys", Aria cuts us short, stopping an imminent fight. "Chris was right", she continues.

"Thank you", he adds, winking at her. Lewis gives us all a look saying we should lay low with flirting with his girlfriend. He knows we're only doing it as friends, but I'd assume it doesn't fit so right with him. Especially when my man is whipped as fuck after her, which is, honestly, understandable. From all the girls he's ever dated, Aria is the best. I really do hope they make a fairytale ending come true.

"We have to find a solution. Duncan expects a girlfriend, so that's what we'll find."

"I don't date anymore", I say convinced. I really don't want to date anymore. Brings too much trouble.

"Then don't "real" date. Fake date", she suggests.

Someone needs to take all romance books away from this girl.

"Lewis, your girlfriend is delusional", I say, starting to rub my temples.

"No, she's not. She's amazing", he replies, coming to sit on the bed next to her and brushing a kiss on her cheek on the way. "And besides, Aria might have a point."

She smirks victoriously, and continues: "Lewis told me Duncan wanted to meet her once. Just fake date someone for a while, and who knows...maybe you'll even turn to like her."

"Aria", I let out annoyed.

She smirks and shrugs unbothered.

It's then she gets a phone call and excuses herself a bit from the conversation. Since neither of us has anything better to do, we all just sit there and wait for her to come back, hoping her life is a bit more interesting than mine right now. Apparently, it is, since when she comes back, she is floating on cloud nine.

"What's up, sweetheart?", Lewis asks her.

She lets out a cheer and still jumps up and down, even as he stands up and comes hug her.

"I've been invited to the Fashion Week in Paris", she shouts.

Lewis grabs a hold of her and kisses her hard, making her wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back.

"Ain't no one gonna point out the fact she's been invited for at least three other times?", I find myself asking. Aria is a well-known influencer and fashion icon. She's got millions of followers, and sometimes people would wear clothes just because she wore them. Dior loves her, like many other fashion houses, but Dior kinda sees her like their daughter. Always send her gifts, have her face on a huge posters with Miss Dior wherever you go, and invite her to every single event. They even let her design her own fashion collection.

Talk about a healthy father-daughter relationship.

Aria rolls her eyes at me as she lets go from kissing Lewis, having heard my comment. "It's an honour to be invited every time." It's then the girl has a mind flash of sorts, and her smile gets even brighter: "I have an idea."

"Surprise us", I mutter.

She looks past that as she says: "Why don't we all go to Paris?"

"Excuse me", I ask, everyone else looking as surprised about what she said.

"I mean, we all had a though year behind us. Why not spend the off-season together? We could rent a villa somewhere in Paris, and spend the holidays there. We could go visit, attend Fashion Week, take day trips around the region. It could be fun. And we could also go to Disneyland. Winnie would love that."

A smile appears on Lewis' face as well. "You know what? Let's do it."

"I'm game", Chris replies. Aria and Lewis smile at him, the latter wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders.

"Me too", Fabio adds. "I had planned of going back home to Italy, but since you're all going..."

Chris pats Fabio's back, welcoming him to the team.

"Levi?", Lewis asks.

I think about it. I can mull over the dumb decisions in my life home alone. Or I could go with my friends and have a blast in Paris.

Though choice.

"Screw it. I'm in."

The room fills with smiles and cheers after a while. I might be back at ground zero, but at least I know that I'm not going to be alone.

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