Chapter 6

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"The whole thing is fucked up, Liv", I tell her as we're watching the fashion show at the Cordelia Art Museum. The Collection is amazing, and were it any other day, I would love being here, but right now, my brain is too filled with anger to focus on art.
Livie, who managed to get us front row seats for being queen and has two bodyguards protecting us from the world, takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. She is wearing a wavy dress that hides her small baby bump, since she's only a few weeks in. Her husband and her decided to keep the pregnancy secret at first, but they told me, their families and some friends. I'm obviously happy for them, since if there would be one person who deserves to be happy, it would be Livie. The girl had to go through a lot, just because some other people wanted her throne. But now she's happy and safe, and I couldn't be more happy for her.

"Have you tried talking to your parents?", she asks.

I nod. "I think Mom started hating His Fuckness as much as we do", I answer. When gossiping in public, even when the others can't hear you, using code names is always a good idea. "My Dad loves him though. Keeps saying he promised me to him and so on..."

"I could give a law or something, if that could help you", she suggests.

"As sweet as that would be, they'd only hide the fact it's a forced marriage, and I have no evidence."

"I could throw him in the dungeon", she continues her brainstorming.

I chuckle. "That's nice, thanks. But there is no other way. I have to find a husband."

Livie looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "At this point, even the dungeon plan seems easier", she mutters.

I roll my eyes at her. "Thanks for the confidence, Liv."

"Do you even have Tinder?", she asks me.

I shake my head. I do not have Tinder.

"We're doomed", she concludes.

"I could Tinder", I suggest.

Nodding agreeing, she takes my phone and I unlock it for her, so she downloads Tinder.

"Let's make you a profile", she replies excitedly.

I have no idea what I'm bringing myself into.

"Name: Yvonne Pruitt, Age:26, Nationality: Cordelia. Hobbies?"

"Travelling and fashion", I reply.

Liv nods and starts typing. It's then she arrives at the profile picture part. From all the pictures, she chooses one I took on a rooftop with a glass of wine in my hands, smiling bright as if I had too much wine in me.

"I look drunk", I comment.

She makes a sign with her hand as if it wouldn't be so bad. "You look happy."

"So I am happy when I drink?"

"Would be hell of sad if you wouldn't be."

Fair point. She finishes the profile, and we start swiping through the guys. At one point we even find the the profile of the younger one from Livie's bodyguards, Landon. Not being able to control ourselves, we glance at him, then side-eye and have to chuckle. We remember we're at a show, and shut up, continuing to swipe. I have a match with this guy called Gregory at one point and we want to start texting him, as another profile sends me a text.

"What does your fiancé say about this?"

With a creepy feeling in our guts, we open the chat,trying not to make our fear obvious, since then the two bodyguards would notice. The chat is from Theodore's profile, who somehow found me.

"Block him", I tell her. Liv nods agreeing and blocks him, then after my request, she deletes the app.

Seeing I'm even more miserable than before, Liv tries cheering me up by adding: "About that dungeon idea..."

"Liv", I let out,trying to sound annoyed when I am in fact amused.

She chuckles, and I softly hit her with my elbow, earning myself the attention of the bodyguards.

"I'm hopeless", I scoff, placing my head on her shoulder.

She tilts her head on mine, and we continue watching the show.

I'm never going to find a guy until March.

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