Chapter 16

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"Are you hyperventilating?", Liv asks, looking at me worried. I do feel my chest rising and sinking at paces that aren't probably healthy, and I think my hand is shaking.

"Oh my God, you're hyperventilating", my best friend lets out. She goes from zero to hundred on a worried scale, and calls for her husband: "Nathan, can you please bring some water. But hurry."

In less than one minute, we can see Nathan rushing through the door, a glass of water in his hands. I see he was only in a pair of grey sweatpants, a white T-Shirt and some socks the same color, some glasses on his eyes. Not really an outfit one would expect a king to wear.

Nathan offers me the glass of water and waits until I finished it, before he asks me: "Do you need more water? Or some sugar? Liv and I made some cookies earlier."

Livie nods, backing him up. I shake my head, not wanting to intrude. Nathan seems to understand and takes the glass of water from my hands walking out the door, only to return minutes later with the glass refilled and a plate of cookies he places on the coffee table near me. I thank him with a look, while Liv kisses his cheek, helping herself to one of the cookies.

"I can't do this", I tell them.

They both shake their heads, as if to tell me I'm wrong. "Yes, you can", Livie tells me. Her husband only nods agreeing. She continues: "And you will. Just think about Theodore's face when you'll walk inside the room with one of the most hottest Formula One drivers in the world, who is double as rich as him."

What's up with Levi and money? Who am I marrying?

"Okay, but my parents... what if..."

"They'll be fine", she shrugs unbothered. "And besides, Levi will be there with you the whole time."

"Remind me again why you aren't coming? Dad told me he invited you but you declined."

"I'm so sorry, babe, but I had to. The German ambassador is coming for a dinner at the palace today, to discuss some potential exchange programs between our schools here in Cordelia and some schools there."

Okay, at least the reason is fine.

"And Nathan?", I ask, begging him for help with my eyes. He looks at Livie once, as if to show me the answer. I get it, he'd rather spend time with his wife.

"And besides, I have to finish my article. We're due tomorrow, and I'm still at the introduction only." Says the man who is king but also sports journalist at the same time.

I nod, and stare back into the mirror. Original reason why I came here, apart from having a shoulder I can cry on: get dressed. I'm in a matching set of checkered white and black Chanel blazer and skirt, with some white knee-high socks and some black platforms. My nails are painted black, to match my hair and the look, and I kept the makeup simple but elegant. There is a pearl necklace around my neck, the Vivienne Westwood one with a planet.

I can do this.

Just as I try convincing myself that, one of the maids of the palace enters the room and says: "Your Majesties, Miss Pruitt, you have a visitor."

"Thank you, Carlotta", Liv replies, before calling in the guest. Wearing a beige tux with a white shirt, some fancy-ass shoes and a watch that might cost more than the whole outfit as a whole, is Levi. He looks so fucking good, with the small smirk on his face and the way his eyes meet mine, that I almost catch myself drooling a bit.

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