Chapter 32

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"You're cruel", Levi tells me, taking a sip through the straw of the matcha in front of him.

I roll my eyes at him amused. If I could, I would snap a picture of every moment with him, so I can keep them forever in a scrapbook of the story of us.

"You're the one who agreed to it", I answer back. I take a bite of my avocado toast, before I shift my whole focus back on him. We're in one of those rare moments in which we can be just the two of us. It has been four weeks since Levi and I kissed that night in China. Now we're in Montreal, the beginning of June, sitting in a nice brunch place, enjoying our day off. My man came in second yesterday, it has been an Apollo 1,2. And after all that suspense and hard work, he really deserved some time to relax.

Maybe the matcha hasn't been such a good idea.

"I agreed to us coming here to eat brunch", he says, pointing at the food. He got a sort of scrambled egg with some bacon and some other things to make it look fancy. I told him to get the avocado toast, the best thing ever, but he wouldn't listen.

"And to us playing the game", I continue.

He lets out an amused sigh, then says: "Which brings me to: truth or drink?"

Truth or drink. A game I came up with for us to play today. We ask each other truth or drink. If we can't answer the truth or don't want to, we have to drink from the other one's favorite drink. And trust me, this ain't easy at all. Levi hates matcha, I hate his dark coffee without any ounce of milk or sugar.

"Truth", I answer.

He nods, thinking of something he could ask me. "When did you have your first kiss, dove?"

I let out a scoff at his question, yet start thinking about it. Anything better than drinking that. "With fourteen. In the swimming pool's locker room."

"Sounds thrilling", he mocks me.

"Shut up, asshole."

"Baby, I could kiss you better in my sleep", he adds, self-confident.

"You're not such a good kisser", I tease. It's a lie. If there is something I have learned these past few weeks, it is that Levi is an amazing kisser. And the reputation he has about being amaging at sex.

Hundred percent true.

"That's not what you said last night", he teases right back. "When your head was between my thighs and you were-"

"Okay, we get the picture", I cut him short. Then, diving headfirst into a topic change: "Truth or drink?"

"Truth", he answers, no sign of regret.

It's payback time. "Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes", he answers.

My heart stills at that. "When?", I find the courage to ask.

"Now", he answers as if it were obvious. "Now and only now. Only since I met you. And only you."

"Aren't you a romantic?", I joke, although my heart is currently throwing a party with butterflies as confetti.

"Only because you like it, dove", he replies. His eyes pierce mine as he continues, asking: "Truth or drink?"

"Truth", I breathe.

"Have you ever been in love, Yvonne?"

"Current status", I respond.

Before I know it, a smile tugs on Levi's lip and he pats his lap, saying: "Come here, dove."

And even though we're in a restaurant and there are dozen of eyes on us, plus a bunch of cameras that I saw filming our every move, I stand up and walk over to him, sitting on his lap. He brushes a strand off my face, tucking it behind my ear, then kisses my neck. "I'm so glad I found you, baby. You have no idea." Another kiss, a hungrier one now, that has me softly gasping. "I love you, Yvonne." He kisses the same spot softer, to make me go even more mad.

"I love you too, Levi", I answer.

"You know what?", he asks me, holding the matcha in his hands and helping me take a sip. The straw still faintly tastes like him. "I think I like this little game of yours."

"Truth or dare?", I whisper/ask.

"I thought it was drink", he counters amused.

"Levi...", I let out sighing.

"Alright", he chuckles. "Dare."

"I was hoping you'd say that", I smirk. "Kiss me."

"Oh, but that's not a dare, dove", he answers, crashing his lips on mine. "That's your reality. All you have to do is ask."

"Can you kiss me, Mr. Dyer?", I tease, although his lips are already on mine. "Can you please?" His kisses get hungrier, but I don't stop. "I really really would need a kiss from you..."

He chuckles, the sound rolling through me. "You're impossible."

"You can take it", I wink at him.

"Damn right I can", he replies.

He kisses me some more, proving his point.

And you know what? I think that Levi Dyer and I were meant for each other.

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