Chapter 30

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I just came out of the shower as I hear a knock at my door. I sneak a peek at the time, half past eleven. I highly doubt it is Lewis, he's usually busy doing other things at this time. Better said, he's not doing things. He's doing Aria.

It could be Chris, but the guy would only come at my door this late if he's drunk and he wants someone to whine about Addie to. I honestly don't get him. The guy has his looks and money, he could have any girl he wants. But of course he had to settle for a girl who offered him fucking Skittles for him to take her at a Formula One yacht party. Pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.

Fabio wouldn't be at my door this late. He's usually phone calling at this time. I think. I once came inside his room as he was talking with someone on the phone, he gave me a cold shower the whole day the next day and kept muttering how people deserve privacy.

Nevertheless, I make my way towards the door only to be surprised as I open it.

Standing in front of it is Yvonne.

Only in a short black dress, some heels the same color and a powerful red on her lips.

"Dove", I breathe.

Visions of her bent on the bed while I fuck her into oblivion fill my mind and I try hard not to smirk.

"Hey", she lets out, her voice coming out as a shake. Judging on the way she is now biting her bottom lip, she wasn't having any better thoughts than I did.

"May I come in?", she asks me.

I nod, letting her pass. As Yvonne is inside, I close the door and follow her, to where she was looking around my room. Her gaze then wonders on my body, how I am only in a pair of boxers hidden by the towel wrapped around my waist, water still dripping off me.

"Holy -", she wants to let out, before she stops herself realising she said it out loud.

"Like the view?", I take advantage of the situation making her cheeks get even pinker.

"It's fine", she replies matter-of-factly. It's then she comes closer, takes her long black hair in one hand and turns with her back to me. "I need help with the dress."

Wait, what-

"And that's why you came at half past eleven in the night?", I ask confused.

Although she isn't looking at me, I can feel her smirk on her lips. "Would you have rather had me going to Lewis or Chris?"

"For heaven's sake, dove", I hiss, placing my fingers on the small zipper. "The only man I want you going to is me."

She nods, and patiently waits for me to open her zipper. Some black lace meets my eyes, and I know with every inch of her bare skin that I expose, that I'm heading more and more to dangerous territory.

As I'm done, Yvonne slips her dress on the floor with such grace, I remain stunned as I take her in. Everything about her is simply perfect. She's standing in my room, a pair of black lacy Chanel underwear and black heels, red lips, eyes set on mine.

"What do you want, baby?", I manage to ask her, yet my voice doesn't sound like mine. It's raw. Pained. From not touching her.

"What do I want?", she asks me. She comes even closer, her perfume reaching me, taking control of all my senses. She smells so good. She smells like home. A hand goes on the back of my neck, pulling my face closer to hers. "What do you want, Levi?"

Deep breaths, Levi.


She takes a deep breath, as I also lean closer, asking: "You, dove? What do you want? Do you want me too?"

And instead of an answer, Yvonne lifts herself on the heels and crashes her lips on mine. Her kiss ain't soft. It's demanding. Craving for more. More of us. Our tongues clash as our hearts beat wild against each other.

"I'll take that as a yes", I whisper, not letting her go even one inch. That girl could eat me alive and I wouldn't protest. No, I'd even offer myself volunteer.

In one move I lift her up and get rid of her heels, so she can wrap her feet around my waist and I can pull her closer.

"I want you", she replies between shattered breaths of pleasure. "I want you now. All of you."

I change from her lips to her neck, where I place small souvenirs that have her twisting in my arms and arching her back. Yet every time I want to stop, she tells me to keep going.

So I do.

I kiss every spot, claim every inch of her. With every kiss, she takes one more part of my heart. With every breath we melt even more into each other.

"Levi", she breathes, kissing my lips.

"Yeah, dove", I answer.

"I've just thought about something."

"What?", I ask her, not parting ways from her neck.

"We've never had a wedding night. Or a honeymoon."

"Do you want a honeymoon, dove?", I ask her. If she said yes, I'd fly us to Costa Rica myself tomorrow or wherever the heck she wants.

"That too", she lets out. I look at her in aconfusion, til I notice the mischief playing in her eyes. "But we can start with a few hours of me having you all to myself in bed." She is smirking as she says: "Everybody keeps telling me how good Mr. Levi Dyer is in bed. I'm your wife. Don't you think I deserve to know too?"

A smirk grows on my lips at her words and the realisation. "Would you prefer a hands-on experience?"

"Something like that", she answers. "Give me all you got, Hotshot."

She doesn't comment as I place her on my bed and place myself between her legs, to kiss her better.

"You have no idea what you got yourself into, dove."

"Are you all talk, or do you also actually deliver?", she asks, her eyes not leaving mine, but still that mischievous side in them.

I have never seen anything more beautiful.

"You talk too much", I tease her.

"Then make me stop, baby", she bites back.

She opens her lips to say something else, but this time I really stop her with a kiss.

Yvonne doesn't protest anymore as I close the lights and take my sweet time with her.

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