Camping Trip

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Lesso and Dovey go camping in the blue forest. No warnings needed.

Leonora PoV:

"Oh please Lesso… Please, please, please, please, please, please, please-" I groaned and covered my ears with my hands. Clarissa was annoying me with this little camping idea of hers for quite a while now and she still hasn't given up trying.

"Comon! It will be fun!" "I would rather die, thank you." She rolled her eyes and sat down at the chair infront of my desk. I scoffed at her little gesture, concentrating back on my paper work.

"What if I do your paper work for two weeks?" My eyes jumped up to her, before I chuckled. "Nice try Princess, but no. That wont happen." "Oh comon! There has to be something that convinces you to come with me."

Her little annoyed voice was somehow cute. I had my fun making her frustrated and she knew that, which made her just even more frustrated.

"There is nothing that drags me out there and makes me sleep in a tent with you. Not even for all the money in the world." She groaned and leaned back, trying to figure out how to approach this now.

"Are you sure there is nothing?" I looked up at her and sighed. "Can't you just admit defeat Princess? I won't go camping with you." She stood up and seemed as if she wanted to scream at me, but she stayed quiet.

"You know what? Forget it. I'll just go on my own." With that, she turned around and made her way to leave my office. "Now don't be this stupid Clarissa… You wont survive the forest alone. There are many dangerous creatures."

She just shrugged, not turning back around. "And? I will still go." I watched as she opened the door, before groaning loudly. "Alright! Satan fucking damn it. You really know how to get what you want."

Clarissa turned back to me, an innocent smile on her lips. "So you will come with me?" "It's either that, or you come back dead. So yeah, I come with you." There was a short squeak which made my ears hurt, before she took a few steps closer.

"Pack your things, I have everything ready already. We can go tomorrow!" I sighed and leaned back, already regretting that I agreed to come with her.

"This will be so much fun Lesso! You will see!" "Yay…" I said sarcastically, watching as she walked out of my office, a wide smile on her lips. "Just perfect."

I don't know how early it was, but it was way earlier than I enjoyed it to get up. There was a loud constant bang on my door and I groaned, knowing that only one person would do this.

"Yeah, yeah! Shut up, I am awake!" "Perfect! I can't wait to start our little camping trip." I grabbed my bathrobe and put it on, before I opened the door , leaning against the door frame.

Clarissa smiled at me, a soft pink blush spread over her cheeks. "I know that it is early, but I have a coffee for you." She handed me a cup and I rolled my eyes, a little smile on my lips.

"You are annoying, but I shall let it slip for now." I grabbed my coffee and walked back in, letting her follow me inside.

"Make yourself at home. I just want to shower real quick and than we can go." She nodded and sat down on my armchair, as I walked into my bathroom.

Maybe fifteen minutes later, I come back outside, a towel wrapped around my body. "Are you ready to… go…?" Her eyes scanned over my exposed skin and I smirked, before I walked past her to my closet.

"Nope, still need to put on clothes." I watched, as she turned her head away. "Y-yeah, of course. That would be of advantage." She kept her head down, as I walked back into the bathroom, to put on my clothes.

As I was finally done, I came back out and with the turn offf my hand, my cane came flying towards me. "Alright. Now we can go." "Don't you wanna bring something? Like, anything?"

I chuckled, as I walked out of my room. "There is no need for that. I am pretty sure you have everything we need." She smiled and walked past me. "You are so right!"

And so, our little camping trip begang. For my sake she used magic to make the carrying easier. I think I would have gone crazy if she made me carry all that weight.

After some hours of just walkimg deeper and deeper into the woods and me trying to warn her about all the dngers we came past, she finally decided on a resting spot for the night.

We were close to a river that was near by, had a good look around the area and you were shieled from any heavy winds. "This is where we shall stay." I sighed and placed down the backpack.

"Next time I just go and jump out of the window when you want to do something like this." She chuckled and shook her head. "We both know you won't do that. Now, wanna help me build up the tent?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded, helping her set up the tent, before I started to work on building a fire place for later. "See? Isn't this cozy and relaxing?" "It sure will be cozy, looking at how small that tent is." She punched me softly.

We started to look for wood, as it got darker, and soon a nice little fire was burning. Clarissa started to prepare our dinner, whilest I was making sure the tent wouldn't be to cold for later that night.

I sat down next to her, taking the bowl she handed me. "Not the finest food, but better than nothing, right?" "If you cooked it, I am sure it will taste wonderful." There was it again, that soft pink blush on her cheeks.

We both started to eat in silence. There was not much to say now, was there? After we were done, I took our bowls and washed them clean at the river, before returning to our little camp.

Clarissa was already laying inside the tent, cuddled up in her blankets. I chuckled, as I looked down at her. "Don't laugh at me. It's cold…" "Well Princess, you should have thought about that sooner."

I sat back down at the fire, watching the flames dance around in the air. She was right. This was a bit relaxing and a nice change from all the paper work day in and out.

After a while, I decided to join her. Carefully, I took out the fire and made sure that nothing could burn us alive over night, before I crawled into the tent aswell.

I sipped it up tightly and than laid down. It was obvious that Clarissa wasn't sleeping and the shaking from how cold she was stood even more out.

"Still that cold?" She nodded and I rolled my eyes, before I lifted my blanket. "Come here…" Her eyes had that soft and adorable look in them, as her cheeks turned a bit red.

"R-really?" "I can't have you freeze to death now, can I? Besides that, my bodyheat should be enough to keep us both warm." She slowly cuddled closer under my blanket, before I wrapped it around her and my body.

We were close to each other, closer than ever before. I felt my own face heat up and knew what that meant. I was blushing.

Carefully, I wrapped my arms around her body, pulling her closer, as I tried to wrap the blankets tighter aswell. "This is better." She looked up and our eyes met, our faces only a few inches apaprt.

"T-thank you… I appreciate this." I couldn't stop the little smile that came to my face. "Of course Princess. Now try to sleep." It was a weird feeling. But it wasn't terrible.

I watched as she snuggled her head closer to me, giving me a soft blush. "Good night Nora…" "Good night to you to Princess." With that, she closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep with a small smile on her lips.

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