Beautiful Stranger

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There was this woman that visited the village in which Lesso lived every few days. Captured by her beauty, Lesso started to stalk her, slowly becomming more and more obsessed with her.
No warnings needed.

Leonora PoV:

The village wasn't that big. I speak of everyone knows everyone somehow kind of small. And that is why she always catches my attention as soon as she walks by.

I am not really sure on who she is or where she lives, but everytime she comes by I can't help myself to follow her in secret. Her beauty is something no other woman in this village has.

I can't even tell if she ever noticed me. Maybe it is better this way. She looks so beautiful when she laughs or just does the simplests of things.

The only sad part is that she never stays long. Maybe an hour, but not longer. She knew what she needed and then left, as if she couldn't stand being here.

How many nights I spent awake, thinking about her. Her smile, her eyes, her hair. Maybe I got a bit to obsessed with her. Maybe she just had this reaction on other people.

My walls were full of drawings of her, caputered from memory or while she was buying groceries. Every night I looked at all those pictures, waiting, counting the days in between her visits in the village.

In the mornings I got up early to see if she would come by and only went back home when the sun went down. You could say my life started to circle around this woman.

My heart was beating fast, everytime I saw her. The funny part is, I don't even know her name. No one knew it. She didn't even tell anyone where she lived. The only things she spoke about were the prices of groceries or other things she needed.

Maybe I was going insane, I mean, I never talked to her. She only ever walked past me and gave me one of her smiles. And that was enough for me to decide to follow her home.

She was in town again, buying her usual stuff. It was like a little process she had. Everytime she was here, she went to the same people first and ended her tour at the same shop, before going back home.

All I had to do was sit and wait, trying not to draw her attention to me. And that's what I did. You can't imagine how nervous I was, as I saw her walk past my hide out.

She was wearing a simple yet beautiful yellow or golden dress. Probably self made. I waited a few seconds, before I followed her, trying to keep my distance. When I knew where she lived I wouldn't have to wait for her to come visit the village anymore.

It took some time, but we finally reached a little cottage deep in the woods. We had went off trail a while ago, but the path to find it wasn't that hard to memorize.

I hid behind a tree and watched as she walked inside and closed the door. No wonder no one knew where she came from or where she went after her visit. No one would find this so easily.

I looked through her windows, trying to figure out the inside, before I made my way back onto the track. And as I walked back to the village I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I knew where she lived, I wouldn't have to wait anymore.

And so I didn't. The next morning I packed a few things into my backpack and made my way back into the woods. After some stumbling around and figuring out if i just got lost or walked the right way, I found it again.

A window stood open and I could smell some bacon and eggs. My eyes scanned the visible area and shortly after, she walked past the window. And for my delight it seemed like she was only wearing a big shirt.

I hid behind a fallen tree, looking through a little gap. She couldn't see me, but I could see her very clearly. With my eyes and mind only fixated on her, I watched.

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