New bodyguard pt. II

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After a little incident at the club, Leonora wants to head home for a little more then just a relaxing evening.
Warnings: Sexual content

Leonora PoV:

it has been a few weeks since I hired Clarissa and she did a better job than anyone else ever did. Not only that, but the way she took care nothing happened to me, it was just… hot.

"I wanted to go out tonight. Have a few drinks in a bar I know." She looked at me. "Okay? Do you want me to tell you no, or what?" I blushed slightly, looking down.

"N-no. I want you to come with me." "That's my job, obviously. Where else would I be then right next to you?" I shrugged. Sometimes I acted like a real idiot infront of her.

"When should I pick you up?" "At 8." She nodded, sitting down on the sofa in my office. "Will do." With that she started to play with her phone. Sometimes I wonder what I even pay her for.

The next few hours passed by and I got up. "I'm just gonna head home shortly, change into something else." "Alright." She got up. "I'm gonna drive you. I can wait and then drive you to the bar."

I shook my head, faster then I intented to. "You can't wait outside the whole time. I said 8. We only have around 6." "I don't mind." She grabbed my coat and handed it to me.

"Unless you mind me not being close to you." I blushed and looked to the side. "Y-you can, uhm, come with me inside then. Can't have my bodyguard die from boredom."

She nodded, a smirk on her face. "Of course. That's the only reason." My back was facing her, but I knew that she knew that I was blushing. And I hated that.

We both walked out of the building and down to my car. All this teasing she did wasn't on accident. She knew the effect she had to me. And since I didn't do anything about it, she just kept on going.

She drove and I just couldn't help but look at her hands. Trying to get myself to focus back on the right things, I shook my head and pulled out my phone.

It didn't take long for us to reach my house. And once we were inside, I wasn't sure what to do with myself. "I am just, uhm, gonna head under the shower. You can just, watch some tv or so."

I pointed at the tv remote and then just walked out. "I will be here, don't worry." She didn't say much more and I jumped into the shower.

Clarissa PoV:

Some time later, she was done and came back to me. She was wearing a new black suit which made her look hot. "And now we head to the club, hm?" Her cheeks turned red as she saw how I scanned her body.

"Y-yeah." I nodded and got up, grabbing her car keys. "After you then, boss." She walked out and soon we both sat in the car, heading towards the club.

The club was full. And with just one look around I knew that I wouldn't get much of a break tonight. So many guys already checking her out and we weren't even here for two minutes.

I mean, I have to admit, I wasn't better. But still, she was mine. To protect I mean. We both sat down in the V.I.P section and she ordered for us two.

"Sure we both should be drinking?" "I can always call a taxi, don't worry." I shrugged. "If you say so. You are the boss." And so the night began.

We both started to drink and to my suprise most of the guys just walked past us. Even though most of them still stared at her like starving dogs. Men are just disgusting. At least for me.

Sadly, we weren't so lucky the whole night. And so there was this one guy who thought he was better then anyone else.

"Get lost." I got up, stopping him from getting any closer. "Calm down babe, I am just trying to talk to her." He nodded towards Lesso and I could feel some anger rise inside of me. Or was it jealousy? I couldn't tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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