Help you say it

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Lesso and Dovey have dinner together, which leads to Lesso admitting something to her dear friend.
Warnings: making out, sexual content kind of

Leonora PoV:

"I would like to have dinner with you," I said, without even finishing my thoughts. Clarissa was talking with Anemone, who just told her that she had some paper work to do tonight and couldn't come by to have dinner with her.

The two woman turned to me, looks of confunsion on their face. "You would?" I looked at the plate infront of me, trying to find a way to talk mysself out of this situation. But the more I thought, the more I realised that there was no saving.

"Yeah?" She had this adorable smile on my lips that always gave me this intense feeling of happiness. "Great! I'll come over at 8?" I was still starring at her smile, or better her lips, as I nodded.

She said goodbye to us two, before she left. "Are you alright Red?" "Hm?" Anemone looked at me, a knowing smirk lingering on her lips. "Shut it beauty teacher." "I didn't say anything."

I turned away from her, rolling my eyes. Clarissa was oblivious, that was something that I adored. You could joke about certain things and she would just look at you like a puppy, trying to understand.

The bad part about this was, that she was equally as oblivious to the fact how I felt about her. I can't recall how many times we were alone and she still didn't get that I felt more then friendship.

The even worse part is that Anemone knew it. She promised she wouldn't say anything, but that didn't stop her from teasing me with it.

"That would be the perfect tie to admit your-" "I swear, keep talking and you find yourself in the hospital." All those feelings were still knew for me. Maybe even scary. It was still something I tried to really understand.

"Alright, alright. Calm down Red, I was just trying to help." I looked away. "I know. Sorry." I gave her a short apologetic look, before standing up and leaving myself.

The time went by and I stood in my room. A knock on my door announced that Clarrisa was hear and I could feel myself get more nervous than I already was.

"C-come in! The door is, uhm, open!" I stood there akwardly, as her presences started to fill the room. She looked beautiful, her dress hugging her body and seemingly making her glow in the soft light of my room.

"Wow…" "Thank you." And there it was again, this adorable smile that made me feel all weird. I think, Evers would call it a pure feeling of love, I still think it is weird. Even though it is somehow enjoyable and as soon as this feeling is gone, I find myself yearning for it again.

"I thought about going out, but then I thought about you and I know how you hate people. So I just got some stuff, so we can cook here." She held up a brown paper bag, her smile wide.

I just stood there, a soft blush on my face. She had thought about me and that was enough for this feeling to grow stronger. A small smile came to my lips, as I nodded my head towards the open kitchen in my room.

"T-thank you for that. Really. I mean, I was prepared to go out, but hearing that relaxes me a lot." Her chuckle made me shiver, as she closed the door and walked over into my kitchen.

"Naww. Don't worry. Tonights it's just gonna be us two." I stopped, trying not to blush to hard at her words. "Y-yeah. Just… Just us two." With a deep breath, I took off my blazer and joined her in the kitchen.

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