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Past the enchanted forest Vivian's pov. Vivian sighed as she waited until nightfall to be sure her mother was asleep if her mother caught her sneaking out to meet Snow White Vivian would be done for the hatred between snow and her mother had turned into a never ending feud and as a result Vivian was stuck in the middle spending the days with her mother and sneaking out once nightfall hit to meet with snow. Vivian Aphrodite mills just where do you think you're going"? A voice said from behind Vivian. Vivian froze there was only one person who used her full name and that was her mother heck was she in trouble now". Vivian thought to herself. Vivian turned around and said with a fake smile good evening mother it's a lovely evening tonight isn't it"? Yes it is a lovely evening sweetie but I'll ask you one more time Vivian Aphrodite mills just where do you think you're going"? Vivian's mother said in her warning voice. Uh I was just heading to get a drink of water mother". Vivian replied. Okay but If I wake up tomorrow morning and find you gone you'll be in big trouble Vivian Aphrodite mills understand"? Yes mother". Vivian replied. 

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