Chapter six.

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Present day storybrooke Maine Vivian's pov. Vivian groaned annoyed as her phone rang while she and snow were kissing. What's wrong viv"? Snow asked pulling apart from her fiancée. Oh shoot it's my mother calling snow". Vivian replied. Snow quickly fell silent as Vivian answered her phone and said hello Vicki speaking how may I help you"? Hey Vicki can you babysit Henry tonight"? Regina asked on the other line. Sorry I'm busy tonight maybe another time". Vivian replied on the other end of the line. What but Vicki you're the only person I trust with my son". Regina said on the other end of the line. Get Archie to babysit Henry toddles". Vivian said on the other end of the line. On the other end of the line Regina's eyes widened in shock toddles was something Vivian would say to her when she was mad at her but it was probably just a coincidence Vivian doesn't have her memories back". Regina said to herself. Later that evening Vivian was walking home to meet with snow a warm jacket that snow had lent her around her when she saw Regina and groaned in her head. Hey Vicki I thought you said you were busy tonight". Regina said to her daughter. I am busy tonight Regina I was just going for an evening walk and heading to meet someone". Vivian replied annoyed. Mm hmmm where'd you get that ring"? Regina asked her daughter noticing the engagement ring on her daughter's finger. Oh this ring I don't remember". Vivian replied. Mmm hmmm". Regina replied suspecting something was up with her daughter. Well see you around Regina". Vivian said as she continued on her way home. Wait a minute hold up for one second there". Regina said stopping her daughter in her tracks. Yes"? Vivian asked turning around annoyed. Where did you really get the ring Vicki"? Regina asked her daughter again. I told you already I don't remember". Vivian replied annoyed now if you'll excuse me I have someone waiting for me at home". Vivian said to her mother. 

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