chapter four.

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Past the enchanted forest Vivian's pov. Morning mother". Vivian said as she stirred awake the following morning and rolled over in bed to see snow next to her. Snow wake up". Vivian said shaking snow awake. What is it viv"? Snow asked Vivian. You've got to get out of here snow before mother comes in and finds out about us". Vivian said to snow. I'm not that fast viv". Snow replied. I can help with it snow". Vivian replied. Vivian leaned into snow and waved her hand disappearing in a puff of magic and reappearing where snow spent her days. Vivian"? Snow asked as Vivian was about to wave her hand again and use her magic to appear back in her bedroom at the dark castle. Yes snow"? Vivian replied. I love you". Snow said to Vivian. I love you too snow". Vivian replied. See you tonight at nightfall snow". Vivian said to snow. Vivian waved her hand and disappeared in a puff of magic reappearing in her bedroom at the dark castle. And quickly getting ready for the day as her mother entered her room and said morning Vivian we have company for breakfast this morning". Really who"? Vivian asked her mother. You'll see don't be late for breakfast". Her mother replied before leaving Vivian's room and calling oh and please put on a dress Vivian". Yes mother". Vivian called back. Morning mother". Vivian said to her mother as she headed to her spot at the breakfast table. Vivian sat down and looked at her mother and noticed the woman sitting next to her mother mother who's the company"? Vivian asked her mother. Is that her"? The woman sitting next to Vivian's mother asked. Yes this is my daughter Vivian". Her mother replied. Vivian mills"? The women sitting next to Vivian's mother asked Vivian. The one and only". Vivian replied with a smirk. Vivian this is my mother Cora your grandmother". Vivian's mother said to Vivian. 

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