Chapter eight my darling daughter.

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Present day storybrooke Maine snow's pov. Snow sighed as she sat next to Vivian on the bed where her true love was still under the sleeping curse. I love you viv". Snow whispered leaning down and kissing her true love. Vivian's eyes snapped open as snow's eyes fluttered shut and she dropped onto the bed now under the sleeping curse. Vivian sighed as she glanced at her fiancée oh snow what have we gotten ourselves into now"? Vivian asked her sleeping fiancé. Vivian noticed a piece of paper lying next to snow and picked it up curiously. Go to gold's shop my guess is he was Rumplestilskin back in the enchanted forest something tells me he knows a lot more about you than he's letting on viv love snow". Vivian sighed and put her coat on and put her shoes on before heading to gold's shop. Vivian opened the door and called gold you in here"? From the back of the shop gold dropped something he had been putting on a shelf in shock. In the back Vivian". Gold called snapping out of his shock. However gold looked shocked again as Vivian entered the back of the shop. Vivian"? Gold whispered shocked. You're so grown up my darling daughter". Gold said to Vivian as Vivian's mouth dropped open in shock. Father"? Vivian asked. 

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