Chapter one.

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Present day storybrooke Maine Vicki's pov. Henry where were you"!? Vicki cried running up to Regina's son Henry your mom has been worried sick about you". I went on a field trip". Henry replied as Vicki rolled her eyes Henry what have we told you about lying"? Archie asked joining Vicki and Henry. Vicki noticed a blonde woman leaning against a yellow car and sighed Henry you ran away and brought back an actual person really"? Vicki asked Henry. She's not just any person Vicki she's the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming the  saviour who's going to break the evil queen's dark curse". Henry replied. Henry this is still about that book Mary Margret gave you isn't it"? Vicki asked Henry. You know those fairy tales are just stories right"? Vicki asked Henry gently. No you don't understand all the stories actually happened Vicki". Henry replied. Hi I'm Emma nice to meet you". Emma said. I'm Vicki it's nice to meet you too Emma". Vicki replied. I'm worried about Henry he thinks all the fairy tales in his book are real and that everyone living in storybrooke is a fairy tale character". Emma said to Vicki. By the way who does he think you are"? Emma asked Vicki. It's so silly he thinks I'm Vivian mills the evil queen's daughter". Vicki replied. 

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