Chapter three.

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Present day storybrooke Maine Henry's pov. Hey Vicki can you meet me and Emma at granny's at  5 tonight"? Henry asked Vicki. Yeah sure Henry but why"? Vicki asked Henry confused. No reason I just wanted to hang out Vicki oh and maybe wear a dress to granny's by the way". Henry said to Vicki oh um okay ". Vicki replied confused. Great see you at five Vicki". Henry said with a smile as Emma finished asking Mary Margret the same question across town. Vicki sighed as she glanced at the time a few hours later and noticed that it was almost five it was 4.50 pm she needed to start getting ready to meet Henry and Emma at granny's. Vicki looked through her closet and finally settled on a dress and put it on putting in new earrings and high heels just in case Vicki looked at herself in the mirror and smiled satisfied with her outfit. Vicki noticed her hair was up in a bun however in the mirror Vicki sighed and took her hair out of her bun and put her hair down letting it flow like it did on special occasions. Vicki smiled and said to herself this is perfect I'm definitely ready now". Vicki said to herself. Vicki sighed and drove to granny's getting out of her car and entering the diner to see that Henry and Emma were nowhere in sight however Mary Margret turned at the sound of the door to granny's opening and at the sight of Vicki her breath caught in her throat. Mary Margret what are you doing here"? Vicki asked approaching Mary Margret. Emma told me to meet her and Henry here at five what are you doing here Vicki"? Mary Margret asked. Henry asked me to meet him and Emma here at five tonight too". Vicki replied. Wait what's going on here"? Mary Margret asked Vicki. I do believe we've been set up". Vicki replied. Well in that case may I have this dance my lady"? Vicki asked Mary Margret. Why yes you may". Mary Margret replied

 Mary Margret replied

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