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Abusive relationships, death threats


I scream out in pain, collapsing to my knees. Blood lingers down my arm and tears fog my eyes. I've never felt as scared as I am at this moment.

"Please wait!" I cry out, scrambling back desperately only to hit my back against the wall of my bedroom, the same place where I would drop my backpack every day after my shitty classes.

"You're such a waste of space!" She shouts at me like a crazy person.

Her screaming at me is nothing out of the ordinary. However, her holding a knife and leisurely walking toward me with wide eyes is.

"I told you I'm not going to do it!" I shout at her, my voice broken. Blood drips down my forearm where she violently slashed me with her now bloody steak knife.

"Then you'll die!" She screams so loud I wonder if the room shook. Or if my dormmates next door heard her. I hope they did.

"Stop!" I shout, "You won't get away with this! Please, stop! Calm down, darling!" I try to calm her down.

She grabs onto her hair as she throws her head back, her tears trailing down her face. "Enough, Wil! Don't call me that!"

"Sally," I whisper, "Just put down the knife, okay?" Maybe if I sound understanding enough I can distract her long enough to escape this hellhole.

"No..." she says slowly, "You're not going to change. You never intended to despite promising me you wouldn't. Are you stupid? You'll die if you go through with that bullshit!"

"This," I say, slowly sliding my back against the wall to drag myself up. "Is what is going to kill me. You are going to kill me, Sally."

Her face darkens, "If you're going to die, I'd rather be the one to do it." She ducks her head a bit as if she's ashamed. "I love you, Wil. But if you're going to kill yourself then I'd rather be the one to do it."

I grit my teeth, "This is my choice, Sally. And applying to the hero program isn't going to kill me."

"It's a death sentence!" She screams, "You have no. Fucking. Powers. Every hero has them, and you don't! I know you hate school, but this isn't a way to get out of it!" Something evil flashes in her innocent eyes. "Wil, I swear to god, sometimes you're just so fucking stupid!"

I sigh, wondering how the hell I got into this situation. I can't do anything anymore. "Don't call me stupid. Please just put the knife down."

"Will you continue with this hero bullshit?" She narrows her eyes on me, "And don't you fucking lie. I can tell when you do; if I sense one thing wrong, this knife will go straight into your gut. Don't fucking cross me, Wil. Don't do it."

A chill crawls up my spine and I wonder if I can just run to the door. No, I can't. She's standing right in front of it. I glance at her knife and a surge of fear rushes through me. Fuck.

I then look at her in the eyes. Her power is called 'Reliability'. She can tell when someone is lying. Very handy in this situation.

"I care about you, Sally." I say carefully, "You know that. And I want you to be happy. And I'd do just about anything for you."

She rolls her eyes, "Don't throw that bullshit at me. Stop circling the topic and talk to me. Please, Wil. We can figure something out." Her eyes widen a bit, "You're not... y'know. You don't like that loser from the club, right?"

I furrow my eyebrows and she looks away, her face turning a little red. "The short one. He always wears a beanie? I think he's some kind of hybrid."

I have to bite back a laugh, "Alex? I don't like him." I shake my head, proving just how much I mean it.

She relaxes a bit after finding out I'm telling the truth.

"You're the only one in my life, Sally," I say matter-of-factly, "Men... I don't even, I don't think I even like them."

She narrows her eyes at me, but I stand my ground and stare at her back straight in the eyes, finally straying my gaze from constantly looking at her deadly weapon. She drops her shoulder and sighs.

"I don't want you to apply to that stupid program. If you truly care about me, Wil, don't do it. It's a literal death sentence. Please. I can't live without you."

I duck my head and feel my heart tear painfully as if it were sobbing itself. "I won't. I won't for you. I do care for you." I say, forcing the words out of my mouth.

She stares at me for a long moment, analyzing me and I know she's searching for the tiniest bit of doubt in my emotions.

"You're ripping me apart, Wilbur." She finally says and places the knife on our bed. I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding.

She walks up and pulls me into a hug so tight I swear she's trying to break my back.

"I love you, honey." She whispers in my ear, the nic name contrasting the tone of her voice.

I hug her back, but I don't repeat the words.


Hey, I hope you like the story! <3

I wholeheartedly accept constructive criticism, I always want to improve!

If you have any suggestions for books/chapters, throw it at me.

Put something in the comments! I'd love to read it!

Also, you can call me Rojo B)

That's all lovelies! <3

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