Ch. 10 - Defacing Conflicts

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I barely recognize taking a step back and then another. I notice the dreadful look on Alex's face, but he doesn't look worried for himself.

I can tell how his breathing picks up, how he stumbles away from Ares's voice who is now approaching us. How he furrowed his eyebrows a little bit.

"Go!" He then yells, all indication of his care and fear washed away.

"No, I'm not leaving!"

Alex grits his teeth, Ares is closer. "Wil, please just—"

"I'm not going to leave you again!" I shout, all my emotions pouring out, I hear Puffy behind me.

All the memories I pushed deep within me resurface violently. I remember the look on his face from a distance when he realized I dropped the school, dropped my former life, and abandoned him. All for Sally.

That's not a mistake I'll make again.

My eyes widen when I see Ares freeze, his gaze darkly taking me in, then it switches to Alex. He moves forward.

Distracted by Ares, I didn't realize Alex began to cry, hot tears streaming down his face. With an unsteady breath, he shoves me, and I fall into Puffy's grasp.

"Take him!" Alex cries out to Puffy, "Now!"

Alex ducks, dodging a potential ticket to heaven as Ares attacks him.

Puffy, with me in her arms, starts leading us down and away from my best friend. I struggle in her grip, kicking out.

I know I'm weak. I know this will impact me greatly. But I am not going to let Alex die today.

I shut my eyes to take in all my powers, I feel it painfully settle in my throat like it normally does. I feel how it overwhelmed me—how my body warns me against using it again so soon; but I don't care.

"Ares stop!" I scream, and I break.

Puffy's grip on me weakens, and I fall straight forward, my cheek connecting to the cold cement step in front of me. Within a second, I'm being slapped in the face by Puffy as if she's trying to keep me awake.

I hear screaming, and I just doze off into the ceiling, and I don't blink for a very long time. Then, I jolt back to life, my brain forcing me back before I die.

Die... did I really just overuse them? How much mana have I used today?

I look up to see Ares trembling in my control and an unconscious Alex, splayed out on the steps, his head bleeding.

My heart stutters and I'm already on my feet, stumbling towards Alex, not caring one of the most powerful Villains is standing in front of me.

"Alex? Alex!" I cry out, grabbing onto his shoulders and shaking him. My heart relaxes when I see him draw in a slow breath.

I look up to see Ares still fighting against my control, and I have to let go; I know I do; or I'll die. Die of overuse of my ability, a death usually common in street fights.

"I'll kill you," I hear Ares say lowly. A shiver shoots up my spine. "I'll kill you, Wilbur. You got away last time somehow. You took our stuff, you crossed us. You're lucky Phil told me to calm down because we still need you. But now I see who you gave it to. To Quackity, right? Too bad I couldn't kill the bastard before you did...whatever this is."

A pulse of pain rushes in my head, and I have to close my eyes to concentrate, to control my power, to control him.

"Let go," he growls, and I almost just follow his command.

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