Ch. 14 - Liberation Sought

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I curse under my breath, bringing up my bleeding right hand for inspection.

All I tried to do was open the fucking window that has been sitting there mocking me between the simple yet big difference between the outside world and this hellhole, and somehow this bitch of a window sliced straight passed my skin when I tried opening it.

I hiss, clutching tightly on my right wrist, trying to stop its freakishly annoying trembling.

"Yeah, that was kinda embarrassing." I hear Ares's voice behind me.

I flinch harshly, turning around hastily. "What the fuck?" He stands in the doorway. "When did you come here?"

"About six minutes ago."

"So you were just staring at me?"

"For about six minutes, yes." He glances back down at my bleeding hand, and a smirk becomes visible on his face; it's so weird to see them without their ugly costumes. "Were you trying to jump out the window? Do you know how high we are?"

I childishly lift my chin. Whatever, I own the diva persona. "I know how high you are. I mean, it's not so normal to fucking rip peoples' heads off."

He takes a step into the room. "I know you are not talking about normal with that little relationship with Sally you got going on."

A pool of anger fills me; I clench my fists, "You just shut your fucking mouth! Just what do you want? Gods, you're just the ugliest fucking pack of shit I've ever seen!"

Ares's eyes narrow, "Know who you are speaking to. I can't kill you, but I will hurt you. Unclench your fists."

I roll my eyes, but I ultimately keep my mouth shut and do as he says, relaxing my hands.

I just never know when to stop talking; that's what Sally always tells me anyway.

Once he sees me complying, he relaxes, his shoulders dropping. "Come on,"


"I said come on."

"Yeah, I know what you fucking said, I just don't know why you said it."

"Then why didn't you ask what I meant."

"I did."

"You said pardon. That means a request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear it."

I blink at him once, "Just where the fuck do you want to take me?"

"Don't you eat food?"

"Yes, but I—"

"Then shut up and follow me." He spins on his heel, already leaving for the door.

Oh, they did mention something about dinner. I recollect, ew, who would want to eat with these freakshows?

I follow him quietly through the halls at a reasonable distance given my circumstances.

"Not going to lie, this is pretty awkward." I'm shocked Ares decided to suddenly talk to me. "What do you usually eat?"

I stop walking, and I guess he senses something because he stops too, and turns to look at me.

I raise an eyebrow, "Are you...making small talk with me?"

He lifts a shoulder, "I mean, the sound of footsteps and breathing is a little uncomfortable. Why? You don't want to talk?"

I scrunch my nose, squinting my eyes at him. "You were threatening to kill me like a few hours ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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