Ch. 12 - Pressuring Negotiations

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I focus on my breathing while sitting on a chair in front of Deathless, who seems to be sizing me up, taking me in from shoe to head. I squirm uncomfortably when he just says nothing.

Ares stands behind my chair, making sure I don't pull anything 'stupid' as he called it. And Theseus... who the fuck knows where that sadistic asshole is.

I space out, looking out a window to see we're even higher than we were before. I didn't pay attention to Ares when we got into the elevator.

I have to suppress a flinch when he grabs onto the back of the chair I'm sitting on, clutching tightly onto either side of my shoulders. I shut my eyes momentarily as if I expected him to stab a knife into my neck, but he did nothing.

I force myself to relax, ignoring the way my heartbeat pounds in my chest; I can almost imagine my ribcage rattling.

I snap back to reality when I hear Deathless settle himself more comfortably on the chair he eases on, his ankle lying on his knee and his arms confidently relaxing on the back of the chair. I realize he's smirking at me.

I narrow my eyes on him, clutching onto the bottom of the chair. "You all seem pretty comfortable with me." He raises an eyebrow, I continue "You know, with the way you're not covering your face and all..."

He stares at me with a blank expression for a few seconds before bursting out with laughter, his head tilting back. After an uncomfortable moment of onesided laughter, he stops.

"Took you a while to notice." He wipes a tear from his eye, leaning forward.

I shrug, "Just figured it would be kinda awkward to greet you like that."

"You kinda did though, mate."

I shrug again, forcing my gaze away. I shut my eyes in fear again when I felt Ares clutch onto the chair tighter. I just want to open my eyes and be as far away from here as possible.

Then, my face becomes hot and a new expression fills me. "Just what do you want? Do you want to send me on missions? Risk my life for you?" I slowly began to shake my head, "No. I won't change myself for people like you."

"People like us?" Deathless raises a brow, his smile seems permanently plastered on his face. "What people?"

I grit my teeth and clench even harder on the chair. "Murders. Egotisical power-hunger freaks."

Deathless's smile just widens as he leans back in his seat, folding his arms. "Sounds a lot like every other fucking people who claim to be the 'good guys'. We're just more upfront about it."

A wave of confusion slaps me in the face. "What?"

He taps a finger against his temple. "Use your brain maybe, Wilbur. Dream broke your ribs, right? He's a hero. And I'm sure you tried to explain that Quackity roped you into all of this." He gestures around the room.

I open my mouth to talk, but he beats me to it. "The government? They're trapping everyone...separating people in other Districts by money and power. And they claim to be our protectors? Bullshit."

I glare at him, "So that's your excuse? That everyone is a two-faced monster so you'd rather be just outspoken about your serial killing hobby?"

His smile doesn't wash away, but his eyes twinkle with something I can't understand. "I'm saying that no one is good. Like you, what have you done? What diabolical shit have you gotten into? We're all sinners. Why not embrace it, Wilbur?"

What have I done? A rush of emotions fills me and my eyebrows furrow. A memory tries to show itself to me, but it's blurry. Something left in the dark tries to present itself to the light, but it's down in a dark trench and can't climb out.

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