Ch. 1 - Pressuring Glory

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Ay, Chapter One!

Hope you like it!


Wilbur? Wilbur!" I snap back into reality as I hear my name shouted by the asshole sitting in front of me.

I settle on a glare at Alex, who just gives me a snarky grin. "Why did you call me here?"

What I was not expecting was a call late at night by him at one in the morning. He requested me to come to his club full of wannabe Harley Quinn fuckers sipping on wine and sucking each other off.

I realize he's glaring back at me, which makes me furrow my brows. "What?" I raise a brow.

He leans back in his chair, folding his arms, his eyebrows raised. "Y'know, when I got the call you looked like him, I didn't take it all that seriously. But holy shit this plan is going to go perfectly. It has been years, Wil."

"Hold the fuck up," I put my elbows on the table, leaning forward. "I didn't agree the jack-shit yet, smartass. And who are we talking about?"

Now he just looks shocked, "You haven't been compared to Ares before?"

"Who the fuck is Ares?"

He rolls his eyes, "Ares. The Villain"

"Oh, the Villain? Nah, I don't go outside and if I do, I cover myself up. Usually. I make an exception for school."

He looks at me up and down as if he were disgusted with what he saw. "So before you were a brat, and now you're a pathetic brat. I didn't know you were still in school. Waste of fucking time, I'd say."

I roll my eyes, "Not everyone makes a living off killing people."

"Not everyone wants to," he winks at me and I feel the rage build up inside me. I stand up.

"Oh, for fucks sake, just tell me what you want."

He keeps his gaze fixed on me, "Sit down, we have time."

I slam my hands down on the table and lower my tone to a harsh whisper. "No the fuck we don't, if Sally finds out I'm gone... I-"

He rolls his eyes again, "Sally? You're still dating that bitch? Didn't you guys have that massive fight like a few months ago? When she tried to fucking kill you or some shit?"

"Don't call her that. But," I hesitate, my eyes wandering. "It's not... like that. We have some issues, but who doesn't? I got it sorted out."

He doesn't look convinced. "Uh-huh. Just sit your ass down, Wil." He motions with his hand back to the chair.

I glance around the bar to make sure no one is looking at me because of my little meltdown. I then sigh as I force myself to sit down on the chair. I rub my arm, suddenly feeling nervous.

When Alex wants something, it isn't just for games. We haven't talked in ages, and for him to randomly call me like this is... alarming.

"I need your help." He says matter of factly.

I arch a brow, "I know, what the fuck do you need me for?"

"As I've mentioned earlier, you look a lot like Ares, and I need a little help with... talking with him, and getting him to sit still. So, maybe if you can trick his little buddy, that fucking bird fellow, then..."

"Oh no." I stand back up immediately, I walk backward, almost knocking over the chair I sat in. "Oh no. You're trying to kill someone. Don't you dare drag me into your little cartel shit, Alex!"

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