Welcome to the Team

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Rayne's P.O.V

       Walking through the glass door I try to keep my annoyance and slight bitterness down. It's not that I didn't want to be here, but I wasn't set to start until next week, so I made some very nonrefundable adult plans. Walking past a group of agents I hear them grumbling about how their weekends were also cut short. At least I'm not the only one who's disgruntled. Adjusting the strap of my bag I head up the short staircase knocking on the door at the top. Hearing a gruff come in I turn the nob pushing it open.

       Entering the small office, I watch the man stand from behind his desk. He holds his hand out and I shake it out of professional politeness. "Good morning, Agent Lennox I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner acting unit chief of the BAU." I tell him to please call me Ray and he motions to the seats next to his desk. "I know you weren't set to start until Monday, but an urgent case has come up and we need all hands on deck." I nod and he slides me over my badge and gun. Clipping the holster on my belt I slide the shield into my back pocket.

       He leads me out of his office stopping near the guard railings to call up his team. The same agents I had walked by earlier all began to stand. Everyone makes their way to the conference room sitting around the table. I fall between Agent Hotchner and a raven-haired agent. "Team I want you to all welcome Agent Rayne Lennox. She was actually a Texas Ranger before the bureau got their hands on her." They all look at me sizing me up. I'm small but not really considering I'm five foot seven. "Agent Lennox I'd like you to meet agents Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, Doctor Spencer Reid, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia." They all say their hellos and Garcia hands me a tablet.

       Agent Jareau stands from her chair approaching the mounted screen on the tv. Stopping on the opposite side of Garcia she clicks the button causing it to come to life. "We've been called in by the locals of Atlantic City, New Jersey. With one of the biggest adult scenes, large private events have been cropping up more and more. This week they had a large convention that leads into what is known as the Sin to Win Weekend one of the most anticipated events in the kink community." I try to keep my face neutral because that's where I was supposed to be this weekend. Out of my peripheral, I watch the man next to Agent Prentiss elbow her in the ribs smirking. Her face turns a shade of pink as she swats at him.

       "Is there a reason you two are acting like children?" Hotchner looks up from his tablet at them and both of their faces drop.

       Derek is the first to recover and his smirk returns. "Interestingly enough that event was where Prentiss was going to spend her weekend." His eyebrows shoot up, but he quickly covers his surprise. Just not fast enough because everyone sees it and her face is now almost the color of her shirt.

       She hides her face in her hands and I feel sorry for her. The way these men are treating her over her sexual preferences is wild to me. I thought we were all supposed to be adults here. "I don't blame her it's a fun time. I was planning to go myself but obviously, I got called in." I'm a bit more secure in my sexuality than she is if that takes the heat off of her then so be it.

       Derek laughs and everyone is looking between us amused. "Well look at that Emily isn't the only freak here." He says it with a laugh, but I don't find it all that amusing, and I can tell she doesn't either causing her to fold into herself slightly.

       Rolling my eyes, I lean forward onto my arms looking at him. "I'm sorry not everyone's favorite position is missionary Agent Morgan." His face drops Emily and Hotch almost choke on either side of me while the rest of the room bursts out laughing.

       Once they reign in their laughing the blonde addresses the room. "Okay as good as that was let's continue the case before someone gets put on leave." Giving Derek one last challenging look I give her my full attention. "So far during this weeklong convention three bodies have turned up. With it being the last day of the convention they're worried the murders will pick up during the two-day main event starting tomorrow. Each woman was raped and tied to a beam in the ceiling with their throats slit." She clicks through the pictures, and they are all tied up very amateurly. 

       "I don't think we're looking for someone very deep into the kink community. These are all very basic and beginner corset ties. They're not done correctly either it's not wrapped far enough down on the body to support the weight safely. The wrap is also too tight you can tell by the way it's still digging into the skin in the photos of the body after it was cut down. Anyone who is a regular rigger knows there's a two-finger rule. When practicing shibari you need to be able to stick two fingers in between the rope and the body to ensure circulation doesn't get cut off. I wouldn't even say this is armature it looks like someone that's never been properly trained in rope work at all." Scrolling through the photos it's all very sloppy.

       We continue to discuss the case and Hotchner tells us the jet will be ready in thirty. He dismisses us leaving the room. Everyone begins to grab their things filing out of the room. Sliding the tablet in my bag I throw it over my shoulder heading for the door. As I'm going to leave a hand around my wrist stops me. Turning around I come face to face with Emily. "I uh just wanted to thank you for stepping in. I know it was probably uncomfortable having to reveal something like that about yourself to a room of strangers." I wave her off telling her that women should support women when men's heads start to get too big.

       The two of us head downstairs to where the desks are. Sitting my bag on the empty one next to Emily's I lean against it. "So, you were a Texas Ranger what was that like?" The technical analyst stands at the head of the group talking animatedly.

       "Lots of hand-to-hand combat. I'm a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and I used to competitively box. Due to being so close to the border, we worked a lot with narcotics doing undercover stings. We also did a lot of bounty hunting since we don't fall under the same protocol as the state police. Honestly, it's not something I'm going to miss chasing drug smugglers through the desert isn't as fun as you would think." Gripping onto the edge of the desk I try to put those less-than-stellar memories to the back of my mind.

       The group continues to ask me more questions about my background, and I try to keep my answers as vague as possible. I was born in the South but was raised mostly in the Midwest. Once I turned eighteen, I moved back to Texas for college and after went to the academy. Instead of joining the force like originally planned, I was recruited by the Rangers. Being there for three years really took a toll on me so when the FBI was prowling around for agents, I went behind my superiors' back and pushed them my file. Once they found out what I did things did not get better. For the last four months of me being there, they made my life hell.

       The conversation comes to a halt as Aaron comes out of his office. He tells us all it's time to go and before leaving Garcia tells us that when we return, we're all going out no excuses. Following the team out to the landing strip we all board the aircraft. I'm the last to sit letting the rest of them have their usual spots. I take a seat at the table across the aisle from where Emily and Jennifer are sitting in front of one another. "You know you don't have to sit alone, right? You can come sit with us we don't bite." Moving from the table I sit next to Emily. "Well, I shouldn't say that with what we've found out she might." She giggles as Emily lets out a groan at her comment.

       "As long as it's below the collar I don't mind. I just hate having to cover marks." Crossing my legs, I turn my body towards them smirking. They're both looking at me shocked. "God you guys are so easy." It's my turn to laugh and they both blush. 

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