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       Alex gives Emily a new outfit and Piper gives me one. Redressing I tell Emily to sit down. Moving behind her I braid her hair into two strands, so it won't frizz. A part of me is stalling but I had already promised her.

       Standing in the mirror I do the same to my hair and brace myself. Saying our goodbyes, we exit the room knocking on the door not even five feet away. Spencer opens the door still red in the face. Entering Hotch and Rossi are looking at some papers. As we walk in, they both look up. "You were right." Looking at him I'm confused. "We pulled the hotel security footage Jeremy Knox was seen following all of our victims around hours before they were murdered." So that confirms it we pissed off the unsub. "We want the takedown to happen before the closing ceremony. Since you guys interacted with him there's a good possibility one of you is next on his list." That we already knew. He doesn't say anything else going back to what he was doing. We stand there for a moment. "You're dismissed." He speaks without looking at us.

       Rossi looks at him sighing. He looks like he wants to say something, but I just shake my head. Grabbing Emily, we leave with JJ following us out. Back in our room, she explodes throwing a bottle of water across the room at the wall. JJ and I both duck as it flies past us. "I can't fucking stand when he does that." She's practically foaming at the mouth.

       Clenching her fists, I'm worried she's going to lash out again and hurt herself. JJ makes the mistake of trying to touch her and she swings around. Before she can make contact with her, I shove her out of the way taking the impact. Stumbling into the island I grab my face. This time she definitely put all of her force into it. There's instant regret as she grabs me pulling me into her. "What the fuck Emily!?" JJ is pissed pulling me away from her.

       "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" She tries to reach for me, but Jen slaps her hand away. "I never wanted to hurt you." She grabs at her hair stepping back.

       Wiping my face, she practically runs out of the room door banging behind her. Pushing away from the Blonde we both stand up. "I have to go find her!" She blocks my path holding me back.

       "Ray, she just hit you!" Trying to move around her I'm getting frustrated, and I raise my voice.

       "It's my fault! He's treating her like this because of me. She didn't mean it!" Finally getting around her I run out. Going downstairs I walk through the rooms, and I can't find her. Panic begins to set in. Where could she have gone?

       On my way back to the elevators I see a flash of dark hair round one of the corners heading down a secluded hall. Going after her I freeze when I see a man follow. It's not just a random man though it's Jeremy. Picking up speed I push through the crowd. Breaking through I watch him take a knife from his pocket. She's stumbling trying to pull out her phone. I instantly know something's wrong. I'm too far away and he raises the knife. Shouting no she turns around just as he goes to strike.

       From an opening in the hallway, a pair of hands comes out swinging a chair. It catches his arm causing him to stop and drop the weapon. Out comes Nicky followed by Alex and Piper along with the others. Grabbing her they place her behind them. Kicking into overdrive I make it to where they are. "Hey fuck head if you want a fight how about with the bitch who told you no?" He turns around with a shit-eating grin.

       Lunging at me he swings missing. Dropping into stance I kick him in the ribs. He recovers quicker than I had anticipated swinging again. He connects in the same spot Emily had. Stumbling into the wall he goes to try again, and I move causing him to hit the wall. Waiting until he's back up, I want to finish it. Kicking my leg up he catches it just like I hoped.

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