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       Walking through the lobby we spot the girls telling the team we'll meet them outside. Going up to them I put the bag on the counter. "Hey, you're looking much better than we last time seen you... at least you have clothes on now." Her face lights up red and I smack Alex's shoulder.

       "We're heading out now, but I promised to not leave without saying goodbye. Yo Nick, you have that thing I gave you?" She nods pulling out the check handing it to me. Ripping it a few times I nod to the bag. "I think that's a better investment." Pulling out the clothes their mouths drop open.

       "Ray I can't take this. You guys won fair and square." She tries to hand it back to me, but I step to the side.

       "For your mom make sure she's taken care of." Moving around Nicky she looks at Emily who nods. Grabbing my waist, she pulls me into a knee-buckling kiss.

       Hugging the rest of them we all say our goodbyes. Alex tells me to make sure I bring Emily to New York when I come, and I tell her I will. We head out getting into the SUV with JJ and Reid. The ride to the jet is silent and I just know something is up. Making it to the jet we load our stuff on and the two of us take the couch. She's still not feeling a hundred percent and tell her to lie down. She puts her head in my lap pulling an extra cover from the overhead compartment.

       The plane takes off and I sit playing with her hair. Derek walks by after some time to get coffee. He gives me a look, but I shake it off. Leaning on the arm of the couch I watch Reid play chess against himself. "So did your ex hit you too or just her?" Stopping in front of me he sips his coffee.

       Emily sits up and I move forward. "What?" He looks down at her sneering.

       All eyes are on us now. "She just seems to forgive real quick. That bruise on her face aint just from Jeremy's hit. I've sparred with you Prentiss I know how hard you hit." She looks between us confused. "Don't act like you didn't do it we all know you tried to swing at JJ and only missed because she pushed her out of the way and took it." Standing up I end up toe to toe with him.

       Hotch stands up but Rossi holds his hand out stopping him from stepping in probably for his own safety. "Derek pipe down she doesn't even remember it. I'm fine and I've let it go why don't you all try it." Emily stands up running to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. "Jesus Christ do you guys always do this or is this a special weekend?" Turning to JJ she's nearly in tears which only pisses me off more. "Oh, give it a rest with the waterworks she didn't hurt you. She didn't hurt me either. While you were telling your version of the story did you at all mention you knew she was mad seeing that she didn't want to be touched still you crossed that boundary to do it anyway. You're a profiler and can't read body language?" Looking at the rest of the team excluding Spence since he's done nothing wrong, I take a breath. "Have any of you considered why she lashed out? All weekend you've treated us both like trash. I get it Agent Hotchner you don't like me, but you didn't need to take that out on her. She came to you when we first found the unsub and you blew her off. You dismissed us time and time again when we were the ones in the firing lines. We caught the unsub not you. My family protected her not her team. YOU GOT HER DRUGGED BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LISTEN! HE GOT CLOSE TO KILLING HER BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LISTEN! MY DAD HIT ME ENOUGH TIMES THAT I KNOW WHEN SOMEONE MEANS IT AND SHE DIDN'T! SHE WAS HURT AND ANGRY BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HER FAMILY TURNED THEIR BACKS ON HER! SO, AGENT MORGAN WHY DON'T YOU JUST HOP OFF HER FUCKING DICK AND TAKE THE PROBLEM UP WITH THE PERSON WHO CAUSED IT!" Storming past him I move the curtain knocking on the bathroom door.

       She doesn't answer but I can hear her crying. I try the handle, but it's locked. Pulling out my wallet I take my license running it through the crack of the door. It pops the lock and I open it stepping it in and relocking it. "Get away... before I hurt you... again!" She is sobbing hard having a full-blown panic attack.

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