New Ink

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       Changing into a black mini pencil skirt I throw on a white button-up tying it in the front leaving the button undone. Undoing my braids, I leave it down in waves texting JJ.

       Opening the app, I log our points. The scoreboard updates and we're in second place followed by Alex and Piper in third and Nicky and Lorna in fourth place. We're only one hundred points away from first place. Without her, I can't play any of the games. Debating I know I need to win. I don't need the money, but Alex does for Diane. There's two hundred points behind us and the playroom closes in about twenty minutes. There's no way for them to make up those points but I know a way I can.

       JJ arrives and I head downstairs telling her if she wakes up and tries anything just tie her back up. I get there just as the auditorium is being opened up. Instead of going in I head to the playroom. There's ten minutes left. Walking up to the tattoo booth the artist tells me to sit. "The initials E.P. with little hearts instead of dots please." She asks me where and I tell her on the side of my ring finger.

       It's somewhere I can hide it and it's in a symbolic place. She cleans the area and sanitizes everything. Taking my hand, she begins to freehand it. Fuck I didn't think about how much it would hurt. Finishing it she wipes it down adding some cream before wrapping it in plastic. Looking at it I quite like it actually. Taking a picture, I submit it to the app for proof and five hundred points are added putting us in first place. They close the playroom and I head to the auditorium.

       Entering I spot the girls at the end of the aisle towards the front. Heading that way, I get their attention. "Did you really do it, we saw the scoreboard updated?" Looking up there's a live feed of the scores.

       Holding up my hand they all move to get a better look. "I got a branding for you I don't think this is out of my realm of stupidity." Alex looks at me pulling me into her lap.

       "I'm so fucking sorry about that." I just shrug her off it's already there nothing we can do about it.

       The head of the convention comes out doing his closing. Once he's done with the housekeeping, he turns to the leaderboard it's time to announce the winners. "This year we had a final act that shook up the points. Our seventeenth annual Sin to Win winners are Ray and Emily!" Standing up the crowd gives a round of applause as I make my way to the stage.

       Going up he hands me the mic. "This weekend had been insane in nothing short of Sin to Win fashion." They applaud again and I wait to continue. "My partner couldn't be here, but she sends her love to you all." Handing me a bag I give him back the mic.

       Leaving the stage, I go back to the group. "When are you guys leaving?" Back in her lap, I sit the fifty thousand at our feet so we can finish the ceremony. I tell her probably tomorrow and she hugs me. "We are too we'll be downstairs for breakfast I hope you guys stop by before you leave." I tell her we will, and the weekend comes to a close.

       I don't stay for dinner instead going back to the room. Walking in the t.v. is playing with no sound and JJ is packing. Dropping the bag on the couch I head to the bathroom. Changing into a pair of shorts and a large t-shirt I return gathering my things. Making sure I have everything I pack Emily's stuff for her. Finishing I go prize bag opening it. Taking out twenty-five thousand I put it in the bag Piper had brought the rope and vibrator in along with their clothes. "Is that the prize money? You guys won?" Sitting the other half of the money with Em's stuff I nod. "Congratulations!" I thank her flopping onto the couch. "What happened to your hand?" She comes over inspecting my plastic-wrapped finger. "Holy shit are those...?" She trails off looking between us.

       Sitting up she sits beside me. "Yeah, I got her initials tattooed. Alex's mom has cancer and she's struggling to keep up. We were ahead of them and there's no way they could have won. I'm going to give her my half of the money tomorrow before we leave." I can practically see the wheels turning in her head. "They saved her and besides family does for family." She just nods going to lay on her bed.

       Laying there I stare at the ceiling. JJ has fallen asleep, and Emily still hasn't woken up. Being left alone with my thoughts usually isn't a great idea but right now I'm thankful for it. Now I have a choice to I stay or do I resign. I know she'll never say it but Emily's worried if I quit, I'll leave for good. It's a legitimate fear because deep down I can't say I wouldn't eventually. The only thing really keeping me here is her. Sighing I rub my temples. "Rayne?" Popping up over the back of the couch I see Emily sitting up.

       Hopping up I go over to her. "Hey, I'm right here baby I didn't go anywhere." Wrapping my arms around her I lay us down. Playing with her hair she falls back to sleep and eventually, I drift off too.

       I wake up to Emily moving. Sitting up and rubbing the sleep away I see her holding her mouth. Jumping up I grab a trashcan and she starts throwing up. Moving her braids out of the way she empties her stomach. It's after eight in the morning now and there's no way she can go back to bed as we have to be on the jet at ten. Jennifer wakes up due to the heaving. Once she's done, I take the trashcan and grab one of her shirts as she is still naked. Allowing me to pull it over her head she leans into me. "You okay Em?" JJ gets up coming over to sit next to her.

       "Not really I feel like I've been hit by a bus. I also can't remember anything after Ray and I... hung out with Alex and Piper." She catches herself and I know it's now passed. "What happened to me?" She looks between us and JJ and I both sigh.

       "I think Jeremy double-dosed you with Molly. We caught him though before he could hurt you." She tries to remember but it is obvious she can't.

       "Then what happened to my wrists and my fist?" Jay looks at me announcing she's going to go get ready.

       How am I supposed to tell her she punched me while trying to hit JJ? I decide I'm just not going to and just hope Jen doesn't mention it. "Oh well, I had to tie you to the bed so you would stop trying to touch me and yourself. You must have busted your knuckles on the headboard." The blonde comes back out just in time to hear the lie.

       She scoffs but doesn't say anything. She's mad and I totally understand but I just need for her to let it go. "What happened to your face and your finger?" Picking up my hand I just hope she doesn't freak. "Ray...?" She looks at me with wide eyes.

       "Well, my face is because Jeremy got lucky and landed a hit, the finger... I told you I wanted to win." She flattens out the plastic to see the letters better. "I got a branding for my ex this is nothing." Bringing my hand to her mouth she kisses each one of my fingers.

       "This isn't nothing Rayne this is... everything." Making sure Jennifer's back is turned she gives me a quick kiss.

       "So, you don't hate it?" She shakes her head vigorously. "Good cause it's kind of permanent." Bumping her shoulder, I go to get ready. 

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