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Authors note:
Hey y'all so I have never been a writer and I'm just doing this cause I thought it was a good idea for a story. I have no idea how often I'll be posting so I'll try but no promises cause I'm in college and have a whole lot going on buutttt enjoy!! Also this is not proof read at all so I'm sorry!!

Y/N pov
Extermination day. According to dad it's the most exciting day of the year, but I'm not so sure about that honestly. I never understood the need to kill hundreds to thousands of souls. I never understood the excitement or anything, but let me back up.
Hi. My names Y/N. I'm the daughter of THE first man. Yes, I mean Adam. The biggest misogynistic douche in all of creation. So much so, he scared off his first wife and his second eventually, but that's a different story. He raised me to be his perfect soldier. His perfect killer. I was top of my class, and always had the most "kills". I was his perfect angel..... till I wasn't.
You see, I'm not my dad. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. That people can change. I've always seen the good in people. So I want to help souls change and become the people they could have been. I may not be an expert, but I want it to be possible. I know it is. Will I fall like Lucifer? Fuck if I know, but if dad hasn't, I thing I'll be fine.
This last extermination was different though. I didn't kill a soul. I couldn't. Not after realizing that's not who I am. I couldn't kill the kind and misguided soul. No one knows. No one can know, but I have to find out more. I have to help. Now the only question is how, and I know who I need to ask but I have to find a way to get to her.
I have to find a way to Charlie Morningstar.

Thank you for reading
-author :)

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