Bicycle Accident (🏐)

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Sick/Hurt : Hinata
Caregiver : Ushiwaka and Tendou.


Hinata is known to ride his bicycle everywhere, to school and to the store usually. Unless there are camps, then of course he will take the bus.

Hinata is always careful when he rides, making sure to look both ways. He never wants to get into an accident ever, and he wouldn't want to worry his mother, sister, or team.

Hinata was riding along near Ushiwaka' school. He had to go to a store for a certain product that his mother needed, so he took his bicycle and rode there.

Hinata was being careful as always. However, Hinata wasn't at fault, and he was doing all the right things.

A car had swerved the wrong way from the ice on the road since it was winter. The roads were salted over, and it was very dangerous to ride or drive on.

Hinata was about to cross the road, not realising that a car was coming straight for him.

Hinata's life went in slow motion as he fell off his bike, the impact of the car coming straight onto him.

Ushiwaka and Tendou happened to thankfully be walking by when they witnessed the whole scene unfold.

Ushiwaka's eyes widened as he watched Hinata fly off his bike and be thrown onto the ground, his whole body making an impact with such force.

" Shoyo! "

Tendou yelled as he rushed over. Ushiwaka quickly pulled out his phone and called 911, explaining the current situation to the operator.

Tendou placed his fingers on Hinata's neck to check for a pulse.

" Ushi! He's got a pulse! "

Tendou yelled out as he felt a very weak pulse coming from Hinata, who was barely hanging onto consciousness.

" Hang in there, Hinata! Don't close your eyes on us! "

Tendou said to the smaller boy. Hinata's ears were ringing, and he couldn't hear much of what Tendou was saying, not to mention his legs were completely numb.

Hinata moved his head slightly to look at Tendou.

" T-te.. "

Hinata tried to speak. Tendou waved his hands.

" Don't speak, Hinata! Save your energy! "

Tendou said with utter worry in his voice. They could hear the sirens in the distance. Ushiwaka ran over to Tendou and Hinata.

" Is he okay? Hang in there, Shoyo. "

Ushi said with a stern voice that was filled with entire worry.

The sirens got closer, and Hinata closed his eyes as his body lost full consciousness.

" Hinata, hold on! "

Tendou begged, worried about Hinata not waking up if he had closed his eyes even for a second, but it was too late. Hinata was out of it.

Ushiwaka and Tendou panicked as the ambulance arrived.

" Quick! Quick! He closed his eyes! Hurry up! "

The paramedics noticed that the driver was more injured, so the paramedics who had arrived on the scene first took the driver rather than Hinata.

The other paramedics were still a minute away.

" Seriously! "

Tendou growled at the paramedics, which had just left with the injured driver. Tendou could care less about the driver. He only cared about Hinata.

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