Charlie needs advice

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This oneshot is set after the final battle. Charlie felt distraught. And even though everyone managed to lift her spirit. She didn't know what to do next. So she decided to go around and have a little vacation. "You sure, you don't want me to come with you?" Vaggie asked.

"Of course, she wants you to cum with her, toots. She just doesn't want you to go with her." Angel said in his sly voice. Vaggie eyes Angel angrily. "I will be fine, Vaggie. I just need to do this alone." Charlie said, cupping her girlfriend's face. Vaggie smiled and hugged her.

"Take care, okay?" Angel murmured. Charlie smiled and gave him a big hug. She said goodbye to Husk, Niffty and Alastor, and went on her way. She galloped through the streets of Hell. The Pentagram City looked as it always did, filled with carnage and pain. But to Charlie it was an intriguing place, it was her home. 

She walked out of the City with a spring in her step. She passed the Imp City and the large castle of the Goetia. She remembered being in one of them, during a royal gathering when she was younger, she even befriended a Goetian Princess named Octavia. "I wonder how she is right now?" she murmured.

She silently sat on a train as it led her away. Her face was covered in a hood as she wished to not be noticed. Stops came and went, but she stayed put. Finally she heard the announcement, "Lust Ring". She stopped out onto the station. The sky was blue as ever in the Ring of Lust. She remembered coming her a few years back to meet Asmodeus.

He was like an uncle to her. And he would babysit her a lot when she was a kid. Seven years ago after her parents split, a sad Charlie ran away to meet him. She was crying. He comforted her and helped her. The last time, Charlie was here was to congratulate him on getting a boyfriend.

She walked the familiar streets of Lust. She remembered going on car rides around the rings with her parents or one of the sins as a child. She hums a tune as she gallops towards Asmodeus' Tower and Factory. She smiles widely as she reaches the place.

"Oh, Princess." One of the guards said in shock as he noticed her. "Oh, hey! Is King Ozz home?" she asked. "Yes, he is in his tower." the guard replied. "Okay. Thank you for your help." said the cheerful princess before walking in.

She walked through the hallways looking around. No matter how many times, she came here, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful the tower was. It was exquisite and much better looking than the castles in the Pride Ring. Asmodues' Tower was the most divine looking place Charlie had ever seen, and she had been to heaven.

She traced her hand on the walls of the castle, staring at the paintings and the statues. Sure, some of them looked inappropriate but this was the Lust Ring, how she could not expect it. She walked towards the elevator which led up from the factory. She stepped in and it went up. She looked around. She had reached the kitchen. It was just as Charlie remembered it.

She had already texted Ozzie that she was coming. She wondered what he was doing. She sat and turned on her hellphone. 'I am here' she texted him. A moment later, she heard his footsteps. 

Asmodeus was a large, vibrantly-colored, burly, and muscular demon of a staggering posture. He had long arms and digitigrade legs, a broad upper chest and narrow waist, and a tuft of cyan rooster-like tail feathers that had three sickle tail feathers colored red, black, and ivory-white.

His head was colored dark blue with red and white head feathers sticking out from a tuft on his head, and he had large feathers running to his chest. He had glowing neon green eyes and a mouth on his main head. He had a thick mane of cyan hair, in which there were two additional faces of a ram and a bull on the right and left sides, respectively, which react to what he says and can speak and sing along with him.

He smiled when he looked at her. It was weird to see him alone nowadays. Maybe Fizz was asleep. "Uncle Ozz." Charlie leapt from her chair and hugged him. He picked her up and hugged her back. "I have heard so much about you and how you fought to get the extermination cancelled. I am very proud of you for following your dreams." 

But Charlie stayed silent. A grim expression on her face. "I..... I just....." She stuttered to string her words together. "What's wrong?" Ozzie asked with concern. "I don't know." She murmured. Ozzie gently put her down and sat next to her. "What's wrong, sweet little princess?" he asked again. "One of my friends, he died during the fight." she replied.

Ozzie handed her a glass of water and looked at her with concern. "I am afraid. What if I can't do this? What if all I have been dreaming about is just a lie? What if I am wrong?" She asked, trying hard not to cry. "Drink water." he gently said. She sipped on her water slowly, trying to hold back tears.

"All the years I have known you, you are a ray of sunshine here in Hell. You have always shown remarkable attachment to your goals. You have come so close. Don't give up, little one." Ozzie said to the young princess. "You think I can redeem them?" She asked.

"It has never happened before, that is true. But if anyone can make the impossible possible, it has to be you." Ozzie said.

"Thank you, uncle Ozz! I needed it!" Charlie said. "Hey, you ever need anything just give me a call." He replied.

The princess at once leapt and hugged him. Ozzie smiled, glad the princess was back to her cheery self.

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