Broken Hope (Huskerdust Angst)

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I was re-watching Hazbin Hotel for Lord knows what time and I was on episode 2 and had an idea. Scene set right after the episode ends.

TW: A little angsty with a bit of Val's mention. But some cute fluff at the end.

Angel lay on his bed. "I hope that dumb ass snake doesn't do some stupid shit again." he murmured to himself. Fat Nuggets oinked and nudged the spider demon gently. Angel gave a sad smile. "I know Charlie is powerful but she doesn't know how to use it when needed, I just don't want her to get in trouble." he said, gently patting the pig. Of course out loud he wouldn't admit to carrying about Charlie but he did care about her and the hotel.

"You know Nuggsie, I really felt hurt..... I know I have been stirring shit up but...... But I really do want to change. Maybe, maybe if I get redeemed..... I can get out of here. Maybe get away from..... him." Angel murmured as tears poured out of his eyes. Fat Nuggets gently nudged him and cuddled near his face. Angel again smiled a little and placed the little pig on his fluffy chest.

"It's just..... you know..... hard..... and not in a good way." he laughs lightly at his own joke as he flicks off a tear. "But am I even redeemable? Can I ever even change? Will he..... let me change?" he asked as he stared blankly at the ceiling. He wiped away more tears with one of his gloved hands as the lower two held the little pig close to his chest.

"I feel like no one will ever understand me." he murmured as he stared at the white stretch. "You know, Nuggsie. When I was a kid, back when I was a human. My pops hated me for being gay. My mom died when I was young. And my brother, he liked me but he was too busy sucking up to dad that he would mistreat me along with him. My twin, Molly loved me but she couldn't do much." he said, as he slowly pats the pig.

Husk was tired as usual. With his usual grumpy face, he walked up the stairs. Normally, he wouldn't mind sleeping at the bar, something he had been doing for the past week. But today he felt like he needed to go up today. His back was paining a little and he would love to sleep on his comfy bed right now. It looked like an oversized cat bed though, something Alastor specifically put in his room to mock him and call him his pet. But the joke's on him because liked that bed.

He stopped in his steps as he heard a sniffle. Was someone crying? It wasn't like he cared for any of this fucking chumps. But he felt curious and it wasn't like his big ass cat ear would let him sleep as all he would be able to do was hear those cries. So he decided to investigate. He walked towards the room and saw a pink door. The door had lighter pink hearts on it. At the center was a large pink heart. It had a picture of a pig demon who Husk has known was named Fat Nuggets from one of Angel, Charlie and Vaggie's previous conversations.

He again heard the spider demon sobbing and talking to himself. He seemed to be talking about his family. "You know, Nuggsie. When I was a kid, back when I was a human. My pops hated me for being gay. My mom died when I was young. And my brother, he liked me but he was too busy sucking up to dad that he would mistreat me along with him. My twin, Molly loved me but she couldn't do much." Angel's voice seemed to be doing something strange to the cat demon's hollow heart.

"And well even after coming to Hell, I never had support. I was part of my family's Italian mob up there. And after my death, I was still with them. But I left. I never enjoyed being in the mafia. I never chose to be this way. I fell in love with him, Nuggs. And he....." the night air was filled with silence. Husk felt his dark, empty heart ache. What was happening to him? What was wrong with him? 

He took a deep breath. He was probably going to be yelled at but he just didn't feel like he could just stay quiet. So he mustered up all the courage he had left and knocked gently on Angel's door. "I know you are there. And if you are going to laugh at me, you can just go." Angel's voice struck him like lightning. Not because he said that, no. He knew he would get reprimanded for eavesdropping. He was shocked by the tone. There was no anger. Just shame and pain.

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