Scarred - I (Fizzmodeus Angst)

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Just some angst and fluff.
TW: Some Trauma and abuse because well Mammon.

"Where do you think you are going?" Ozzie's voice startled the jester. He turned around to look at his boyfriend standing in his pink robe. It was middle of the night and the moon light shone brightly in the blue sky of lust. "I am sorry, okay? I didn't want to wake you up. But I have some important work." Fizz replied, rummaging into the drawers looking for some makeup.

"Babe, it's 1:30 in the middle of the night." Ozzie said. "I know but Mammon needs me. I have to go." Fizz said. He grabbed his make-up and laid it out on the table. Next he goes to grab a proper outfit and cap. "You could just say no, you know?"  Ozzie said. "I can't. I work for him. I go whenever he summons me. And..... do whatever I am told to do." Fizz replied, his voice dying at the end.

"Can you umm, like uhh, turn around or go. I.... I need to change my clothes." Fizz said, his cheeks turning red. Ozzie just giggled. "It won't be the first time I will see you naked, Froggie." he said. But he soon noticed the fear in Fizz's eyes. The blush wasn't because he was shy. He looked like he was hiding something. "Fizz, get your clothes off." Ozz said. "Wait, what?" Fizz said startled. 

"I want to see you, c'mon." Ozz said. "Ozz listen. I don't really want to right now." Fizz said, slowly backing away as if afraid. He had been out the entire previous night too. And he had been acting strange since then. "Fine." he said with a sigh. He turned his back to Ozzie and grabbed his clothes from the closet. He gulped as he slowly began to strip, his back towards Ozzie.

Ozzie raised his eyebrow. There was nothing suspicious. Fizz quickly grabbed his clothes and put them on. What Ozzie didn't say was several marks on Fizz's belly and chest. "Happy?" Fizz asked after putting on his clothes. "Yes." he replied with a smirk. Fizz felt his face heat up and turned back to his table. He sat down and started applying make-up.

"Fizzy-frog?" his boyfriend called him in a sweet voice, making his heart flutter. "Yes?" he asked. "Please don't go." Ozzie said, starting to play with Fizz's tail. Fizz felt his legs tremble at the mere touch of Ozzie. "No bad, Ozz." Fizz said, laughing. Ozzie just laughs as he feels Fizz shiver. Fizz then grabbed a little bag and started walking towards the door.

"Babe, c'mon. I thought I was turning you on." Ozzie groaned. "I have to go, Ozz. But maybe later or not." the jester replied. Ozzie felt sad at the reply. There was something off about Fizz the past few days. It was as if Mammon was making him overwork. He slumped into a chair and waited for Fizz to come back. An hour passed and Fiz didn't come back. He tried calling him and Mammon, neither picked up. He was starting to get worried. He just opened his hellphone and searched random things voxgle. 

He came up on an article about a royal demon scandal. One of the Ars Goetia princes was in love with a commoner and then the commoner cheated on him with another Ars Goetia prince for who the commoner worked. The commoner would wear coveralls to hide hickeys, etc.

Even though he knew Fizz would never cheat on him, least of all on Mammon, Ozzie felt extremely insecure. He wanted to go find Mammon and Fizz this instant but he knew he would just be making a fool of himself. Fizz was at work, Ozzie needed to trust him, even though Mammon was hard to trust. Sighing, he closed the article and started reading others.

After a while he came upon another article where an Ars Goetia prince forced his brother's commoner girlfriend to sleep with him and the girl couldn't say no or he would kill her. Ozzie just closed his phone and threw it away in frustration. Usually all he would see was happy news. And right now when he was trying to distract himself, all he could see was terrible news.

But the last article made him worry about Fizz. He took a deep breath. He should distract himself till Fizz came home. He looked around the room for literally anything. He found Fizz's phone. He had forgotten it apparently and it was on silent so Ozzie couldn't hear it. He turned on the phone to see Fizz's chats open. Most of them were deleted but his last conversation was with 'Angel Dust 🩷'. Ozzie knew the name of the most famous porn star in all of Hell who was also a good friend of Fizz.

He knew he shouldn't but he reluctantly opened the chats. All chats except today's were deleted. Whatever Fizz was talking about, he didn't leave a trace behind. Ozzie sat back on the chair as he began reading the text chain.

🕷️Hey, what's up? You still afraid about that whole you-know-what thing? Should I get you out? Should I tell Ozzie?
🤡Angel, I will kill you if you did any of that.
🕷️Geez, fine fine. Just stay careful please.

Ozzie raised his eyebrow. What was going on? What was Fizz so desperately trying to hide? Was he in some sort of trouble.

🤡This fucking marks on my chest and belly won't go.
🕷️They're scars, they can't just disappear.
🤡Fuck, Mammon is going to kill me.
🕷️No, he won't
🤡I meant it metaphorically

Ozzie was hit with realization. Fizz had turned around while changing clothes to hide the scars. How did he got them?
The next part of conversation was about two hours after the previous one.

🤡Hey, Angie?
🕷️Yea, sugar?
🤡Can I ask you something?
🕷️Of course
🤡Val hurts you a lot, right?

There was a few minutes of silence before Angel had replied.
🕷️Yes but it's fine, he owns my soul, not much I can do.
🤡What do you do when he you know, fucks you, even though you don't want to
🕷️I... Look, I just..... He hates if I cry, if I do, he will do it more roughly..... so I just act like it don't hurt. I smile and let it happen..... act like I enjoy it..... smile for him..... call him daddy..... that way, he won't do it more roughly
🤡I am here if you need me
🕷️Same hun
🤡thanks for talking to me today before I leave
🕷️dw, everything will be fine. But I still think you need to tell Ozz

Fizz hadn't replied to it. But judging by the time, it was right around when Ozzie appeared in Fizz's dressing room. Ozzie wanted to know everything but how. He sighed and groaned before setting Fizz's phone down. He left the room and went to their shared bedroom. He sat on the bed, waiting for his love to come home.

Yea, this one shot will get a part 2 because it is so damn big. And I want to maintain the thrill and mystery till part 2 comes out. See you people in part 2. It will come out later today or tomorrow. Bye. 🥰Love you all. Take care!

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