Long Lost Love (Stolitz Angst)

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Stolas sat alone in his room, his mind filled with thoughts about the day. It was full moon. He was going to meet Blitzø again. But this time he might have to give him the crystal and end this deal. Would Blitzø run away? Will they never meet again? Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, as the owl prince felt hopeless.

'I will let him go tonight. Set him free.' he thought.

Blitzø on the other hand wasn't feeling like himself either. Sure, he was happy that he and Fizz were friends again. But he missed Stolas. He knew they were going to meet tonight but Blitzø couldn't hold back any longer.

'I will tell him the truth tonight. I will confess my feelings.' he thought.

The day felt long for both of them. The usually cheerful prince, could barely focus on work today. He was so excited, he couldn't sit and read the words on the pages in front of him. Blitzø tried to distract himself with work but to no avail. Even killing people felt like a chore because all he could think about was Stolas.

By nightfall, they both were nervous wrecks.
Stolas was afraid of being rejected. He felt as if Blitzø would leave him forever once he gets the crystal.
And Blitzø was scared of making a fool out of himself. Why would the prince love him? But with her friends' encouragement and his daughter's painful yet motivating words, he knew he had to do it. Even if it meant embarrassing himself in front of Stolas.

'I have to let him go. He has to choose to stay. Or I will have to let him go. Just like I did when we were kids.' Stolas told himself as he felt a sharp pain.

'I will tell him the truth tonight. If he doesn't feel the same, it's fine. I just need to get this off my chest.' Blitzø told himself as he drove to the castle.

The moon shine brightly on the red sky of Pride Ring. Blitzø could smell the fresh smell of Stolas' garden as the wind blew. He walked towards the castle and let himself in. It was nearly empty. 'Maybe he has something in mind today.' he thought.

"Blitzø?" A voice asked as Blitzø turned around to see the familiar owl in the living room, clad in his red robe. "Oh hey, Stolas." Blitzø managed to murmur, his eyes lingering on the owl prince. He snapped himself out of it and looked back at those red eyes.

"I need to tell you something." both said simultaneously. "You go first." Blitzø insisted. "Oh ok." Stolas said. He gulped and grabbed a box.

"I got this for you." he said. Blitzø opened the box to see a beautiful crystal. "Asmodeus' crystal. He lent me one. I wanted to give it to you. So, you will no longer need my Grimore to go to the living world." Stolas said, trying to sound alright while he was dying on the inside. "Oh, umm thanks." Blitzø managed to say. Does that mean Stolas didn't want him anymore. He felt his breath rising and his body sweating. He was panicking, he felt pain all over his body. He tossed the book on the couch, turned on his heel and ran. Stolas stood there watching him run away. He fell to his knees and sobbed as he disappeared from sight.

'Of course, he would leave. Why would he need me anymore?' Stolas thought as he gently sobbed.

'He doesn't want me around anymore.' Blitzø thought as he ran far away, trying to not cry.

"Are you okay, sir?" Moxxie asked Blitzø, the next day in the office. "Yes." he murmured. He looked like he was crying all night. "I just didn't sleep well last night." he added. Moxxie and Millie looked at each other with worry. "Did something happen with the prince?" Millie asked. Blitzø just nodded but refused to say anything more than that.

Loona looked at him with concern but didn't react. She was worried about him but she wasn't good at showing her emotions. Suddenly she noticed a new dm on Sinstagram, it was from Octavia. "Hey, Loona! Can we talk for a minute."
"Yes." Loona immediately replied. "Ummm, how's your dad?" she asked.

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