Scarred - II (Fizzmodeus Angst)

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TW: Mention of abuse and assault

Fizz walked to his dressing room quietly. He noticed his phone on the desk and remembered his conversation with Angel before Ozzie appeared. He grabbed the phone. Angel must have been concerned and it was extremely late but he knew that Angel would be awake. He called his friend. "Hey, Fizz." Angel groaned. "Hey, Angie. Are you alright?" Fizz asked concerned.

"No. Val, he...." Fizz heard sobs. But Angel didn't need to finish that sentence. Fizz knew exactly what Valentino did. Fizz felt his eyes well up again. "Angel, don't worry. We will find a way out." Fizz's voice cracked. Angel wiped her tears. "Fizz, what happened today?" he asked. Fizz took a deep breath, he didn't want to talk about it. But he knew he had to tell Angel. Angel always shared with Fizz and he deserved the truth.

"I fucked up a little in the performance, cuz I was tired. He got mad. He burnt my tail a little. But that's fine." Fizz replied. "WHAT?!?! Fizz, he yesterday whipped you for stuttering a little during a practice session. He is fucking crazy!" Angel shouted. "Well, he is my boss. I can't leave." Fizz replied.

"What the fuck, Fizz! I can't leave Val cuz he owns my soul. That slimy green bastard doesn't fucking own you. You need to get the fuck out of there!" Angel shouted. Fizz could feel Angel's pain through his voice. "I..... I can't. What if...... What if Ozzie stops moving me?" Fizz said, letting out a light sob. The sob seemed to have calmed down the spider demon.

"Fizz why would you say that?" Angel asked in a calm voice. "He is with me because of who I am at my best. I am barely worthy of working with a King of Sin. I am just a broken imp with a thousand scars. He doesn't deserve me. I am worthless. What if he leaves me when I am at my worst?" Fizz replied. "Fizz, you don't know that. Ozzie truly loves you." Angel replied. "I don't know what to do anymore, Angel. My life's a mess. And I am out here giving fucking blowjobs to that slimy prick." Fizz shouted as he punched the mirror, shattering it. There was silence for a minute as Angel processed what was going on. "HE MADE YOU DO WHAT?!?!?!" Angel nearly screamed.

"I..... He made me give him blowjobs, everytime he gets mad or upset about something." Fizz murmured. "Fizz......" There was silence for a few minutes. Angel had gone through enough abuse and assaults, he couldn't watch his friend meet the same fate. It was a blowjob today who knew what Mammon would do next. "Fizz, listen to me. You can't let this spiral out of control. You need to tell, Ozz. Please." Angel said, pain dripping from his voice. Fizz's eyes widened and he knew how much pain Angel had gone through. Maybe Angel was right, Ozzie truly does love him. And if Ozzie does leave him at least he will be free from Mammon.

"Fine, I will talk to him." FIzz said, taking a deep breath. "Good. Just text me later." Angel said in a small voice. "I will. And hey, go out and hang out with Cherri. Forget about, Val." Fizz suggested. "I will." Angel said. As the call ended, Fizz sighed. He was afraid. He felt all alone. But he knew he wasn't alone. He had to be brave and talk to Ozzie. He first sweeped the mirror's pieces and took a shower before heading to his and Ozzie's shared bedroom.

Ozzie was sitting on his bed, reading all the worst news Voxgle and just feeling overall nervous and scared. "Fizz." he said as soon as the jester came in. Fizz was smiling but was fully covered from head to toe, even his tail and he had a hood over his head. "Hey, Ozz. Umm, can I talk to you about something?" he asked, his smile still on his face. "Of course, babe." Ozzie said, sitting down on the floor near his love. Fizz took a deep breath and removed his hood. He wasn't wearing his jester cap which he usually wore.

"Ozzie, can I ask you something first? Will you tell me the truth?" Fizz asked. Asmodeus nodded. "Would you still love me if I wasn't all this, not some royal jester, not Mammon's big grand figure, this broken?" Fizz asked. Ozzie, took one of Fizz's hands and held it close to his heart. "I would love you no matter what, babe. You are the most inspiring demon ever. And you are just the cutest little thing ever." Ozzie replied. Fizz felt a blush creep onto his face and he sighs again.

"Mammon, he..... uhm......" he stuttered. He takes a deep breath. He threw his cover off of him. He was only wearing his boxers now. Ozzie's eyes widened. Fizz's front body was covered in red whip marks. His tail had a burn scar. His neck had a rough bite mark. "He hits me. Every time, I mess up even the slightest. I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would leave me. I would take it. But from the past weeks, he...... he......." Fizz said as he closed his eyes with tears streaming down his face.

Ozzie gently lifts him and embraces him. "Mammon is going to regret ever even laying a finger on you." Ozzie growled, his voice becoming much more demonic. "He made me....... he made me give him blowjobs these past two weeks and I just couldn't take it anymore." Fizz ended. Fizz's eyes were still closed but he could feel Ozzie's blue flames turning redder and his anger rising. But Fizz wasn't complaining. He just wanted to hold onto his love. Even his anger at Mammon felt so warm.

Ozzie calmed a little as he felt Fizz move into his chest feathers. Fizz's purrs made Ozzie smile. He really was the cutest little thing, Ozzie had ever laid eyes on. "I love you, Froggie." Ozzie said. He was met with silence. But then Fizz popped out of Ozzie's chest fluff/ He placed a kiss on Ozzie's cheek, his face tear stained. "I love you too, Ozz. I love you so much." Fizz said. The two hugged. They cuddled. 

Mammon will meet his fate tomorrow. But for now, the two love birds just cuddled and kissed each other as the moon light shone in the room.

Omg! I know, the sequel took too long to come out. I am sorry but my exams just ended yesterday. And I have three more one shots lined up which will be coming out soon.

Love you all so much!😊❤

Take care you all!

And see you all soon!

Bye! <3

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