Take Away Your Pain (RadioApple Fluff)

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Here's a cute RadioApple comic that I love, it's human AU but still. But anyways, I really wanted to write a Radioapple one shot as they are one of my fav ships. So, here it goes. not related to the comic, the comic is just here to entertain you guys.

The moon shone above the Pentagram City but Alastor was far from calm. Usually he would be standing in the corner of his room and sleeping with his eyes open or just walking around the hotel, lurking in the shadows. But not today. The hotel had just been rebuilt and Alastor was sitting on his bed in the black and red room with green accents.

His chest wound was still quite deep and not properly healed. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm down. But the pain was too much to bear. Yet he was smiling. He was not one to look weak. He took another deep breath and got up. He winced in pain but still seemed adamant in looking as normal as possible.

He stepped out of his room and started walking around the hotel. The hotel was silent like it usually was most nights. You couldn't even hear Husk gulping down a bottle as he was asleep in his room or Angel dancing in his room as he was fast asleep as well. All lights were close except for a faint light coming from the opposite side of the hotel. Oh yes, the tower of the King of Hell. It was on the very opposite of Alastor's. He must really hate Alastor, to make his own tower on the very opposite end. But Alastor didn't care......... Right?

Alastor dragged himself towards the tower. His curiosity  was piques as he wondered why the king was still awake. He stood near the door and carefully listened. There were sounds of light laughter. The king seemed to be enjoying himself. Alastor would never admit it but those cute laughs made him genuinely smile. He was so adorab- No no no! He can't think that. He hates the king. That's a stupid ass laughter. Alastor turned around to walk away. But he took a sharp turn which caused him to wince in pain.

Lucifer was working on ducks. He wanted to make ones as a gift for the hotel guests for helping his sweet Charlie. He laughed every now and then in his excitement. He suddenly heard a wince of pain outside his door followed by faint breathing and the smell of blood tainted the hotel air. He put down the duck resembling a white and black cat next to the pink and white spider duck and the grey one-eyed moth duck. He then walked to the door as he heard a faint thud.

A few feet away from his door, lying on the ground was the red deer demon. "huh?" Lucifer rushed to the Radio Demon. He noticed his hand was on his chest before fainting. Lucifer growled under his breath, he hated this stupid Bambi looking red deer demon. But then why was he feeling so sad. He picked up the Radio Demon easily and carried him inside and placed him on his bed. He closed his door and sat next to the unconscious Wendigo demon.

He hesitated but then slowly put his hand on the red demon's shirt. He felt the demon tense up but then relaxed under his touch. He slowly started moving his hand over the cut. "That's deep." he murmured. He once again hesitated but took a deep breath and slid his hand under the red shirt. He traced the cut as his powers healed the demon. As the cut closed, Lucifer pulled his hand out and adjusted the Radio Demon on his bed properly and tucked him in with a cozy blanket.

Lucifer sat back on his chair and started working on the ducks. He started doing another one of Charlie and then proceeded to make one resembling Niffty and Cherri Bomb. He also made for Sir Pentious to cheer up Charlie about the snake demon's death. He sighed and relaxed a little in his chair. Everyone's done right?

Alastor hadn't felt this cozy in years. He felt warm and comfortable and protected. His eyelids fluttered open as he gazed at the white ceiling of the unknown room. He couldn't quite place why he felt so safe. He breathed in the fresh air of the strangely cozy room as his hand went up to his cut which was now absent. He was healed. There was now a closed up scar. "No one's left right?" he heard a soft mumbling. That angelic voice!

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