Difficult Fight and a#s-beating

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{ma favorite OST Collab!}

Narrator pov:

'Susamaru and Yahaba or Known as The Temari Demon and the Arrow Demon appeared to fight, tanjiro stepped out with his sister'

Susamaru:"Well well well if it isn't the traitor, the one who wears hanafuda earrings it's just my lucky day! if I kill you then muzan will give me more of his Blood!"

yushiro:" I said it before Lady Tamayo! my spell is not perfect yet having too many people is why that demon found us"

tamayo:"doesn't matter now tanjiro,nezuko please take these special syringes,I need her blood since her eyes are different than normal demons that means she has more concentration of muzan's blood than most demons but she is not among the twelve kizuki"

tanjiro:"I see..... nezuko I'll take care of the guy hiding in the trees, you deal with that demon girl but be careful her balls are hard as steel and her strength to throw them is enough to rip your limps off"

'with words said,tanjiro and nezuko took a syringe from tamayo, and thus their attack began with nezuko unsheathing her sword and making the first move, Yahaba saw this as an opportunity to attack however when he did attack tanjiro blocked his invisible arrows even tho they knocked him towards the clinic tanjiro had an idea of where his attacker was hiding, nezuko kept going pushing forward with susamaru throwing multiple balls at her'

nezuko:(Crap! I have to cut some of her attacks If I want to get closer!)
"Water breathing: Third form: Flowing Dance!" *cuts susamaru balls and then cuts her arms*
-The user swings and bends their blade in a winding motion along with their body and dances in a flowing pattern, slicing everything in its path-

susamaru:"GAAAAH! DAMNIT! How did you get to me so fast!?!"

nezuko:*smirks* "thanks to my small size I can move faster and more agile than most" *sticks the syringe and it takes some of susamaru, nezuko grabs it before it can be destroyed*

susamaru:*regenerates her arms and throws more balls at nezuko* "let's see if you can dodge these!*

nezuko:*cutting,dodging left and right*
(I hope your doing okay big brother)

-with tanjiro-

tanjiro:*getting up from the rubble* "hm red arrows that can push someone's gravity to whatever direction he wants, that's will be a hassle- MISS TAMAYO! YUSHIRO!"
*gets Infront*

'Yahaba decided to give up on nezuko and focus on tanjiro however he saw an opportunity to attack tamayo and yushiro, tanjiro managed to block most of the arrows without flying backwards'

Yahaba:(tch bastard, alright then let's see if you can withstand this!") *uses his arrows and changes the direction of the Temari balls*

susamaru:"H-Hey! Yahaba give me my Temari back!"


tanjiro:(Shoot!) *blocks the ball but slips behind him*

'The ball went towards tamayo however yushiro took the full blunt of the attack which caused his head to explode, tamayo held his body in shock while tanjiro was angry at himself for letting this happened'

tanjiro:"You want to play like that huh? Fine!" *ground starts to shake a bit*

nezuko:"b-big b-brother!?"


'small rocks were flying around and fiery aura surrounded tanjiro, holding out his fist and concentrated most of his energy into his hand, he yelled the following words'

tanjiro:"Blood demon art: binding fire!" *send a bunch of fire ropes towards Yahaba*

'tanjiro's attack managed to lock on Yahaba's location and capture him, multiple flaming ropes were around Yahaba's arms,legs and neck tanjiro moved the ropes towards him effectively exposing Yahaba'

Yahaba:"Damn you! how did you know where I am!?"

tanjiro:"simple, you gave away your location when you attack nezuko, now" *much more intense flaming aura surrounds tanjiro*

susamaru:"tch look at you looks like you need to be saved again, Take this you filthy traitor-" *moves her body to throw hard*

nezuko:*got close to her* "Water breathing: Seventh Form: Drop Ribble Thrust, Curve!"
- a modified strike of Drop Ribble Thrust,it hits from a specific angle corresponding to the sword's structure which nearly nullifies the impact and momentum of a moving object-

susamaru:(Damn this b#tch!)

Yahaba:"if you need to try and get close to me then think again, I'll blow you away before you even Take one-"

' before Yahaba can finish, tanjiro was engulfed with a quick flashing but not blinding light and what was left of him were small fire particles and red electricity, Yahaba looked around with his hands since his eyes are on his hands but he could not find tanjiro'

tanjiro:"who said I need to?" *behind Yahaba*

Tamayo:*shocked* (T-Teleportation!? B-but I thought he has some sort of fire ropes,Demons can't have more than One blood demon art.....unless..... that isn't his blood demon art!)"

Yahaba:"What the-"

'the poor guy couldn't finish his sentence again because tanjiro quickly teleported Infront of Yahaba and punched him in his chest, this caused the victim to fly backwards, tanjiro continued his assault by teleporting behind Yahaba mid-air and launching him towards the sky with a kick'

-few minutes later-

'tanjiro was still teleporting left and right attacking Yahaba, while nezuko wasn't letting susamaru have the upper hand, she kept going and attack

nezuko:* panting hard*( I need to kill her before I drop cold! This attack will finish you off demon!) "Water breathing: Second Form!" * runs up towards susamaru*

susamaru:"C-crap stay the hell away from me!" *throws multiple Temari balls at nezuko but missed because she was still recovering from nezuko's last attack*

Nezuko:"Improved, Lateral Water Wheel!" *cuts susamaru head*
-an alternate variation of Second Form Water Wheel,the user unleashes a horizontal spin instead of a vertical one-

{ note: nezuko is more talented in the arts of water breathing than original tanjiro in the anime/manga, so it's makes since that she figured out some of the stuff that tanjiro did in the anime/manga much faster}

tanjiro:*teleports above Yahaba while his flames and red electricity surrounds him* "good bye arrow demon"

Yahaba:*scared out of his mind* "w-wait! I promise I won't bother-"

tanjiro:"blood demon art: Flaming Air Cannon!"

' tanjiro released the same attack that put a permanent hole in doma however unlike the last time he used it this one was the same size as Yahaba this effectively killed him without leaving a single dust of him, the attack was still strong to burn a hole under where tanjiro and Yahaba was, the heat of the attack was felt by tamayo and yushiro, nezuko couldn't feel it due to her begin unconscious from exhaustion'

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